Monday, November 26, 2012

Bite Me Randy Newman

Our minions continue to send GTB:HQ evidence of the cultural supremacy of the smaller and more evolutionarily gifted in our society. From our correspondent in Orlando, guidance that unfortunate larges should take in most situations.


  1. I note that the smaller guest and the larger guest are holding hands. I wonder what the presumptive relationship between them is, and/or who they are supposed to be.

  2. we find that we often have to guide our larger, slower-witted friends through an increasingly complex world. sometimes by hand.

  3. I'm assuming that hand-holding applies to guiding TJ and others through the typcial/recurring G:TB font correction issues.

  4. puh-lease. like rob knows how to fix font/formatting in these posts

  5. nearly dave-like in my impatience for blogger formatting. i have large people to do that kind of grunt work for me.

  6. spurs 5.5 point favorites over the wizards tonight. even if that means tottenham, i think you have to give the points.

  7. increasing amount of chatter from credible sources about uva and unc heading to the big 10. dogs and cats, and shit.

  8. Eventually, they can just add a 0 and be the Big 100, right?

    Why wouldn't the Lords of the ACC call an emergency session and vote on a payout akin to the Big 10's?

  9. can we just get to the 64-team megaconference and be done with it? i trust jerry to figure out what teams should be involved and i trust the television people to get the games i want to see on the air. let's go, already.

  10. $425m powerball top prize on wednesday. i shall use the money i win to get w&m into the megaconference.

  11. get yourself a pair while you're at it. #largeandsoftsensitivenipples

  12. speaking of soft and sensitve. and large. a part of me feels badly for rick reilly. he wrote a blistering piece on the irish pre-season. whether you're teejus, the one other here that is pro-irish, or the rest of ya's who hate ' have to love the fact that rick reilly wrote this. i'm sure some of you saw it months ago. but if you didn't...

  13. so, i feel kind of bad b/c he is getting blistered on the tweet machine. and then i read the last 3 paragraphs of his piece and it's all good...i hope the onslaught continues. what a douche.

  14. so what does he do now? to try and make amends he admits that he was wrong,very wrong, and so he offers to polish all of the helmets before a future game (the real helmets, literal helmets) i'm sure so he can turn that into some sort of rick reilly feature on espn or abc. my disdain for this guy was great a year ago. now i just have to laugh at him.

  15. "You flunked, Notre Dame. Go back a grade."

    EAD, Rick.

  16. miffed catholics are cute. especially when they're wearing those schoolgirl outfits. which i assume danimal and the teej are sporting.

  17. will Alyssa Milano be in commando too?

  18. King Dunlap is bad. Eagles learning the hard way that you probably shouldn't look for a starting left tackle in the 7th round.

  19. Charlotte Bobcats failing epically tonight. They were down 82-31 at one point, but have whittled the deficit down to 44.

  20. they've beaten the wizards twice this year

  21. Knicks-Nets on TNT is a good one. Good showing by the Nets fans. A clear majority tonight, unlike prior years.

  22. Graham Gano just missed a PAT that would have made it a 2-score game with 4:40 left. I so do not miss that fellow being on the Redskins.
