Sunday, October 28, 2012

Stormy Sunday Filler

A triad of pertinently titled music videos for your perusal as we hunker down and wait for Sandy to bring it.

Enjoy NFL Sunday. Zman and I will be grilling in the drizzle in East Rutherford, drinking and convincing our wives we wouldn't be foolish enough to day-drink as the storm of a century barrels down on us.


  1. trying to decide whether i'd want danimal's hangover or clarence's this morning.

  2. I sincerely hope TR was joking with is storm of the century line.

  3. Bloomberg just ordered our neighborhood to evacuate because of storm surge. I think the Mrs. and I are going ignore that order.

  4. first, they came for the marls'

  5. I've ignored many evacuation orders in my time. Never regretted it. I'm sure I will one of these days though.

  6. Steelers wearing their throwback jerseys as a tribute to the team of the 1930's. Similarly, Redskins' first series on offense was a tribute to the Norv Turner era.

  7. The Skins are deficient on so many levels. Me dee oh kerr.

  8. Dennis Byrd is an inspiration. I saw that with no sarcasm. Truly a medical miracle.

  9. Ryan Clark with a late helmet to helmet hit on RGIII. Not called. Can't wait for the real refs to come back.

    Dropped touchdown passes. Missed PAT. Worst secondary in the NFL. 12 yard punt. Good stuff.

  10. so much food has been cooked in our time to crack some of the booze...

    come at me, frankenstorm

  11. Ryan Clark, conclusion and out for the game. Possibly karmic.

  12. no school tomorrow!

    though definitely not as fun for kids as a snowstorm.

    you can't make a rain-man unless you're autistic.

  13. Grimes getting some reps in Jersey

  14. The conclusion was a concussion.

  15. Federal government is closed tomorrow, which means I don't have work. Boom.

  16. I'm more than a little annoyed that you northerners are missing work due to tropical storm conditions for the second year in a row when I haven't had a hurricane day in over 4 years. Bullshit, I say.

  17. my office is closed tomorrow and tuesday. teej, you wanna daydrink?

  18. rob, if you want to drive to our home, we can daydrink all you want...

  19. Power out here. Didn't think there was any way I'd be drinking again today after the marathon of boozing yesterday, but I feel as though I have no choice.

  20. your draft report did say "sticktuitiveness" was a strength

  21. I'm so mad at all of you. I want days off of work that are full of guilt free boozing.

  22. Maryland just lost their FOURTH quarterback this season to injury. That is unbelievable.

  23. A little disappointed TR isn't freaking out like last year. Especially since it seems this storm might actually be legit. Bunch a bullshit.

  24. zoffice is closed tomorrow. Teedge, rob, feel free to come over for drinks.

  25. I lost power for eight days from two storms last year. Makes my freak-outs seem justified.

    I'm concerned for my hometown area at the Jersey Shore. They had dangerous storm floods this morning, 30 hours before peak impact. Looking like some major damage coming, with a full moon to boot.

  26. for you futbol fans, NBC has landed the rights to EPL broadcasts

  27. just saw that, teej. good lead-in for caa hoops.

  28. Losing power sucks, for sure. Not really the kind of catastrophe that justifies a hurricane related freak out though. Major flooding or wind damage is a different story though. Hope your hometown makes it through relatively unscathed.

  29. having a friend who works for a craft brewery and is willing to break federal law to send you beer across state lines is so choice. i highly recommend it.

  30. Robs just trying to up my earlier admission that my uncle created the Hamburglar.

  31. that's not toppable, mark.

    the new epl package on nbc sports means that every single game will be televised live. that's huge. we need to ramp up our epl coverage and futile superfandom.

  32. per the dlc, terps are starting a converted linebacker at qb this weekend. his backup is a converted tight end. that guy's backup is the teej.

  33. Jim Kelly was a converted LB and Frank Reich went to Maryland so this will all go smoothly.

  34. I may have angrily texted the DLC today, telling him to tell his client, Jets' special teams coach Mike Westhoff, to retire immediately. Special teams killed the Jets today. Sanchez maimed them, but special teams put the knife in.

  35. Because of this song, I had to go to Asbury Park and just see what it was like. I love this song and I have to go back for 4th of July. Amanda Vanderpool
