Friday, September 28, 2012

Ryder Cup, Day 1: The Wheelhouse Reunites

Reunited and it feels so good...


So it seems Wheelhouse Geoff and Wheelhouse Jerry will be taking in the Ryder Cup from the comfort of, Jerry's couch, maybe? Not sure the local, but the fellas have the day off to watch golf, and perhaps find time to chime in here on what they're seeing on the magic television box. Enjoy the A.M. Ales, gents.

For the rest of us, treat this post as your Ryder Cup Day 1 Open least until it gets trumped by one of the two filler items I see Statler and Waldorf have in draft.

P.S. Is Geoff "Peaches"? Making Jerry "Herb"?


  1. Sneds/Furyk 1Up thru three
    Phil/Keegan 1up thru 2
    Dufner/Zach 1 Dw thru 1

    Furyk and GMac's tee shots in the first foursome were something to behold...screaming low duck hooks into the woods. Good sign you are a little too keyed up.

  2. Rory and Graham Cracker Crunch losing would be a big positive boost for the U.S. right? I realize it's just one match, but having those two fall early I have to think would be good for that tired sports cliche of momentum.

  3. we're up in the first two matches? this shit is over.


  4. Dale from Top Chef Season 4 is friends with one of my wife's friends. We ate at his restaurant, Talde, last night (he also has recently opened a restaurant named Pork Slap). It was fucking delicious. Pork bun sandwiches, shrimp toast, bacon and fried oyster pad Thai. Just off the charts good. And then some sort of ice cream, banana, captain crunch soup type dessert. It's hard to describe (obviously) but was fantastic. I highly recommend if your're ever in Brooklyn.

    Also, the wife surprised me with a tattoo appt at noon today. Good trip so far.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. euros up in all 4? fire dl3.

  7. Now AS in two, 1 DW in two. Need to get at least two points this morning. We generally are stronger in foursomes than fourballs, so...being down big early would be "bad."

  8. And like that we are 1DW in all four matches. Good times.

  9. Phil and Keegan square their match as Furyk and Sneds go 2DN.

  10. just got'r turned on in the office.

  11. mark is in nyc this weekend and clarence was there last weekend? when do i get to go to new york?

  12. Late June through August would have worked.

  13. i'll be there 10/9 - who's with me?

  14. I hope Jerry and Geoff aren't both sitting on Jerry's couch... cause that's a small couch.

  15. Sneds/Furyk all square with one to play. I don't trust either of them.

    Lee Westwood just went in the drink. Spurred a hearty USA chant.

  16. And right on time sneds snap hooks it....

  17. In the post match interview, Bradley seriously looked young enough to be Phil's kid.

  18. I'm your huckleberry, Rob. I'll be here on 10/9.

  19. When can we stop invited Tiger Woods to these things? Does he have an exemption or something?

  20. We're going to run Tiger and Stricker tight back out there this afternoon? Really?

  21. My exact sentiment on twitter right now, Marls.

  22. yeah...DUMB. but at least it's not alternate shot so if stricker can get on a roll we can keep it close.

    tiger and jordan should go on their own separate golf trip every other year. during this week.

  23. G:TB mini summit in the planning stages for this afternoon. Some combination of Zman, tr, marls, Greg and I will be meeting for drinks later.

  24. By the way, I really enjoyed the subtle chemistry between Z. Johnson and Jason Duffner. Zeek even got a couple of half-smiles out of Duffner.

  25. is this the first meeting between mark and zman? hope the rest of you are ready to talk hip hop and sneakers. and babies.

  26. 0-4 w&m takes on 0-4 georgia state this saturday. movable objects! resistable forces! live on comcast sports net mid-atlantic.

  27. What Bubba and Webb are doing to the Euros is almost inhumane.

  28. Simpson and Watson are dropping the hammer on Laurie and Hanson. 5 UP through 7.

    Westwood looks all kinds of unsteady. Not what I was expecting out of him.

  29. I missed Bubba Watson doing the Happy Gilmore "Whattaya say we make a little noise here" on the 1st tee. Awesome.

    6 UP through 8. Utter Pantsing thus far.

  30. Feeling like that Mickelson/Bradley match will tighten and end up determining if the US is down or tied going into tomorrow.

  31. phil says, 'eat a bag of dicks, geoff'

  32. We actually went with sandwiches for lunch.

  33. This is indeed the first meeting twixt Mark and me. I'm very nervous. It's like a blind first date after years of torrid correspondence.

  34. Just bring lube Zman and you'll be fine.

  35. Man, can you imagine how much the Euros want to punch Bubba in the face?

  36. that should be a unit of measure. as in, the euros are 7 bubbas angry.

  37. I'm on my way to being 8 bubbas drunk.

  38. So Colsaerts shot 62 in his Ruder debut. Didn't see that coming. Tiger shot 30 on the back nine and lost.

  39. excellent freudian slip, that.

    also, the new mumfords record will debut at #1 next week. let the, um, record show that gtb was on that shit back in spring 2010.

  40. radio announcer just said, 'jim furyk in the catching position'. really glad i'm not watching this.

    and jerry, golf on the radio is still awesome.
