Friday, September 14, 2012

One to Grow On

As some of you know, I'm training for the Richmond Marathon, scheduled for November 10. I'm learning all kinds of interesting things about distance running, from nutrition to the best means for averting chafing (this one's really important), to how great a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel tastes after 16 miles. But there's one thing I already knew that I think vital enough to share with all of you, because until very recently my wife didn't know how to do it.

Ladies and gentlemen, don't let your friends snot rocket without proper training:


  1. jiminy xmas...pour it out for manti te'o regardless if you're a lover or hater of nd...girlfriend died of leukemia this week. a day later, his grandmother. wtf.

  2. when rob says "16 miles," he actually means 4 kilometers. he forgot to mention that he's running a "scale" marathon-- for a guy his size, a 5k is equivalent to 26 miles.

  3. it's kind of neat what you can do while running/biking that won't cause a second glance while in every day society, not so much. peeing while riding (you'd really only do this in a race) is another good one. i'll begin a video for that.

  4. holy crap. just saw a tesla roadster in the wild.

  5. Best piece of sportswriting I've read in a long long time.

  6. I have never seen a Tesla and now have roadster envy.

  7. it was orange, zman. which blunted my envy, but only a little.

  8. i highly recommend michael lewis' vanity fair piece on obama. not a partisan thing - it speaks at length on the pressures faced by any president. it's a vastly different existence than i think any of us could imagine living.

  9. My envy is more of a "you saw one" thing than a "I want one" thing. Sort of a car-nerd version of birdwatching. I'd rather have the Lotus on which the Tesla is based.

  10. i second that. i *will* own a lotus one day, even if i have to sell one of dave's kidneys to do so.

  11. Now that I have a driveway and a (very small) garage I've kicked around the idea of getting an old Elan (BRG, natch). Older dude up the street has a maroon '67 Vette convertible and a big Healey, year unknown, in BRG with off-white coves. I saw him swapping them out of the garage whilst I was pushing a stroller and all I could muster was "You're the man!" He said "Not really, just when I take my cars out."

  12. revis out for the jets this weekend, leaving me a conundrum. must start two of colston, mike wallace, torrey smith, vincent jackson. i'll hang up and listen to your answers.

  13. I think you can't ever sit Wallace unless he's hurt. Just too explosive. The other guys are all equally flawed, albeit in different ways, making them a bit of a coin toss. I don't trust Josh Freeman yet so I wouldn't start Jackson. I like Colston better than Smith as a general matter, but I'm generally an idiot.

  14. I'm not a baseball person, but am totally on the Nats bandwagon (and have been since I sat with Teej, Jess and Shannon in the fancy seats in May).

    How does this playoff thing work? If they remain in 1st place, they play the wildcard winner? And if they drop to second place...what happens?

    Why can't baseball just have 8 seeds like basketball?

  15. I'm not going to answer the baseball question purely on principle. That principle being: Baseball is boring.

    Also, have I ever mentioned how much I hate the University of Tennesee?

  16. I missed and 's' in there. Oh well, fuck that state.

  17. and another spelling/grammar error. I need to just start drinking now.

  18. Tennessee'in is Tennebeliev'in.

  19. if the nats keep the best record in the nl, they'll play the winner of the wild card play-in. if cincinnati catches them, the nats will play the other division winner (probably san fran). honestly, the nats will enter the postseason as the favorite to reach the world series. which guarantees exactly nothing, but is remarkable nonetheless.

  20. someone should blog about that

  21. There is an orange Lotus I see 3 times a week when dropping off my son at daycare.

    I'd like to have a Lotus or a E-Type Jaguar if I ever hit the lotto.

    Reminds self to start playing the lotto.

  22. Jerry's right. It seems Tennessee fans are as high on this team as they've been in a really, really long time. We'll see. I'm still skeptical. They didn't exactly dominate NC State and the Wolfpack only beat UConn 10-7 last week.

    With that said, I'm not sure Florida can can go into two road environments that are as charged up as either stadium has been in years in consecutive weeks and get two wins. Not with a young, inexperienced QB and especially if Mike Gillislee is hurt (have I mentioned that I heart Mike Gillislee?). I hope I'm wrong. If Florida wins this game then they set themselves up nicely going into October.

    Okay, I need to stop writing/thinking about this game.

  23. I know little about Tennessee, other than the rampant incest. Did they lose both of those good WRs they had or just one of them?

  24. I look forward to this game to see if Tyler Bray can live up to all the hype being heaped on him this season...

  25. The lost Da'Rick due to an inability to stop blowing trees. Justin Hunter (the stud WR who tore his ACL in last year's Florida game) is back and seems completely healthy. They also picked up a JUCO WR named Cordarrelle Patterson who looked electric in the NC State game. And of course they have Tyler "that shit" Bray. They also hired Alabama's LB coach (Sunseri) this summer and he's switched the D to a 3-4 which was good timing since they also brought in a JUCO NT who's 6'7" and 370. Defense is reportedly much better this year.

  26. Bray, imo, is much like a lot of big armed QBs at this point in their careers. He has all the physical tools but will give the defense chances with terrible decisions 5-6 times a game. He's got a hose though and both his WRs have deep speed. Florida's secondary is supposed to be a strength. We'll find out tomorrow.

  27. Spencer Hall's assessment of Bray is hilarious, and spot on:

    "Tyler Bray may be too dumb to remember his last throw."

    Kinda reminds me of another Vol QB who ended up here in DC...

  28. 6'7", 370? that's like a different fucking species.

  29. teejay, we're all trying to forget that era.

  30. Rob, what do you care ... you Aint's fan.

  31. i wasn't then, squeak.

    also, towson giving 5 1/2 to the tribe tomorrow. this is an absolute gift from the gambling gods. if i didn't have a strict no-gambling-on-against-my-teams rule, i'd lay the mortgage on it.

  32. towson is going to win going away. i can't bet against the tribe.

  33. thanks Rob. A World Series in DC would be a lot of fun.

  34. Giants or Patriots this week in my Survivor Pool?

  35. I wouldn't trust the Giants.

  36. Don Bosco over St. Thomas Aquinas. Bergen Catholic over Bishop Gorman. Jersey Strong. We Go Hard.

  37. Those are two pretty big wins for Jersey. Bishop Gorman is consistently overrated though.

  38. you guys are talking highschool football?

  39. 20 miles, bitches. 4 snot rockets. if you need me the rest of the weekend, i'll be on the couch.

  40. lots of excellent jorts taunts behind the gameday set

  41. anti-kiffin bloodlust at neyland is fun

  42. verrrry bendy tribe d doesn't break

  43. danimal, you bet on the Irish tonight?

  44. Tribe is nice.
    Who the eff is afkagtb?
    No...not betting on Irish.
    I think that line will come down a half point to 5.5 but either way going w Sparty.

  45. Kind of surprises none of you nova types are present for tribe game. Lame.

  46. Yes, Dave. What's wrong with talking high school football?

    My favorite bets for the day. Western Kentucky (+6.5) over Kentucky. UCLA (-17) over Houston and Texas (-10.5) over Ole Miss. You can thank me later.

  47. Va tech will never go a season w/out losing 1-2 games that should not even be close. It just doesn't happen. They may pull it out but they look like shit.

  48. Logan Thomas: Big, strong, fast. Not a very good Quarterback.

  49. That Sparty line is now down to -5

  50. I will thank you now Mark.
    I alSo kind of like UVA getting 10 against gatech.

  51. Pitt lost to effing Youngstown St and here they are up 3tds

  52. Virginia Tech down 21-0 to fucking Pittsburgh. Who lost to Youngstown State to start the year.


  53. I am having to trim my eyebrows every 3-4 weeks these days.

  54. dammit danimal, get out of my head

  55. I enjoy cider. Especially when in the u.k. When served on draft and over ice. Wife just picked up a 6r of mic ultra light cider. For her of course. I must say that it is pri-tee good!

  56. For you Charlie Weis fans his Jayhawks are playing on FX against TCU. Led by former ND qb crist . Yeah...sorry...never mind .

  57. Weis lookn good though. Waist down to at most a 48. Gastro kickin in bitches!

  58. Tackling not a vatech strengff

  59. Rob's Tribe gambling advice was clearly a case of tiny trying to execute a reverse jinx.

  60. what a fucking shitty way to end a game, Tribe. assholes.

  61. yeah, i'm a notoriously bad gambler. but i did win lunch from a high school buddy and towson alum.

  62. I also should've mentioned that Louisiana-Monroe was a good bet at Auburn. You know, because Auburn sucks. Got scared by a possible let down from ULM. I was wrong. I'm an idiot.

  63. Osu cal game interesting. An Osu loss wil take them out of the bcs running. Oh wait. Hahahahahah

  64. Rooting against Urban Meyer is more fun than I anticipated. Rooting against Auburn is just as fun as I remember.

  65. turrrrrrrible loss for tech. and rooting against auburn is one of man's inalienable rights.

  66. tribe is 0-3, with a -7 point differential. we don't suck, necessarily, but we aren't going anywhere this year.

  67. and fulham wrecked west brom albion, 3-0. come on you whites.

  68. boy, was that an impressive drive for alabama

  69. Mini G:TB summit to start soon. Dave, Marls, Zman (possibly) to join Juan Carlos and Sammy for my first annual pig roast / keg party. Weather gods treating us well. The pig on the spit, on the other hand, is not doing so well.

    Estimated police arrival time for noise: 11:09 PM.

  70. So was a little off on that gatech UVA game.

    Mark will disagree I think but it is good to see UT competitive again.

    And like I said on twitter 5 min ago that tenn drop going to haunt them.

  71. I will be there. You need to have better music than the dj spinning at the block party outside my house.

  72. strong mini-summit agenda. glad everyone got an invite.

  73. Moscow mule. First one of the year. For the perfect mule you should have a copper mug. Went to get some online the other day and decided to just stick w glass.

  74. Pour one out for Nevin Spence, Ulster and U20 Ireland Center, who died tragically today in a farm accident along with his brother and father. They fell into a slurry pit (had to google it). Jaysus what a way to go.

  75. Couldn't be more pleased w nd play calling.

  76. Vodka and ginger beer. And lime.

  77. Tennessee's secondary...fucking atrocious.

  78. jaysus is right. that poor family.

  79. Oh man. Beating Tennessee never, ever gets old. Lerentee McRay was the best player on the field in the second half. Pass rushing beast.

  80. Congratulations on your victory Mark. I too will take it. Just this once though.

  81. This Dicks that Marcellus Wallace doing the narration?

  82. I just googled slurry pit. That is one helluva way to go. Yikes.

  83. It would be tough for me to be much happier than I am right now.

  84. Musberger loves saying "snaps off"...and I always chuckle

  85. Nd has to go pass offense...this won't cut it

  86. Teejus....for Xmas I would like one of those nd undershirts with the leprechaun. Thanks.

  87. te'o is playing his ass off. can't even fathom that. gridiron as refuge.

  88. Could not have been more against going for it there. But....FIRST DOWN!

  89. Herbie...the only reason they look different is bc they aren't turning the ball over.

  90. Stepfan Taylor, BeastMode tonight

  91. This game is so not over....herbie and Brent have them Ina fucking bcs bowl

  92. How great is Gus Johnson calling this?

  93. barkley creating legends?

    and it doesn't matter, 'cause the bama/lsu winner is the national champ.

  94. Betting against the Irish is working for me.

  95. Lane Kiffin, that's karma kicking down your door. Assface.

  96. cue milhouse for lane kiffin: 'ha ha'

  97. Classy shit the msu players finding te'o...

  98. I believe you mean Nelson, Rob. Yes, 'Haha' indeed. The only thing that could make a Florida win over Tennessee better was a Lane Kiffin loss. Good day.

  99. Played blackjack next to Roy Hibbert at the Greenbrier last night. Told him about my bet with Dennis. He didn't find it that amusing.

  100. new post up. moose out front shoulda told you.
