Thursday, August 02, 2012

The honeymoon filler rolls on...

As many of you know, the Teej is not a fan of heights. Well, to be accurate, I am not a fan of any height from which you can fall and die. For instance, I have no trouble being on the roof of a two-story house...from there you'll just fall and break something. But, if I happen to be in Ireland at the lovely Cliffs of Moher, overlooking the ocean from a treacherous cliff, well then you'll see me like this:

Bonus clip from The Heights:


  1. better there than with cliff the mohel

  2. LULZ

    The Heights is an American musical drama series that aired on the Fox network from August to November 1992.

  3. entire cliffs of mohair? that's a lot of goats!

  4. I hope when you were there you took some cliffs notes. 'Cause I don't feel like reading about the whole trip, I just need a 10-page general description.

  5. True Fact: The Heights' Jamie Walters portrayed Rob's favorite character in Rob's favorite show of 1994. Until he did this and then it was over, Ray Pruitt! Over!!

  6. It's not as pretty as the Cliffs of Clavin.

  7. Based on the limited sample size of this honeymoon filler, I conclude that:

    (1) Teedge did all his outdoor stuff on one day; OR
    (2) He packed a bunch of Jets shirts; OR
    (3) He wore the same Jets shirt througout his trip.

  8. The title of that Ray Pruitt YouTube clip is quite humorous.

  9. Same outfit everyday. Jets shirt and cargo shorts.

  10. Gang Green takes over the Emerald Isle!! Fuck yeah!1 Fucking Freeman McNeil!!!

  11. Freeman McNeil was part of the late 80's Jets backfield the Juggs Carlesimov claimed had three guys that could have been 1000 yard rushers. I assume one of the others was Johnny Hector, but I can't for the life of me recall who the third one was. Roger Vick?

  12. I get my coffee...IN THE HEIGHTS!!!

  13. Quick reminder that Quds Day is only 15 days away. Get your shopping done soon.

  14. I thought Thomas was later, but it could be. The other possibilty is that Carles was just wrong.

  15. Brooklyn Heights?

    The Blair Thomas call was more of a jackass thumb to the eye of Jets fan than an accurate recollection of the Jets' roster or what Juggs thought. However, I think it's safe to say that Carles was wrong about several aspects of that "three different thousand yard runners" assertion.

  16. Just played mini golf at lunch. That was nice.

  17. ray pruitt, not my favorite 90210 character. i reject clarence's aspersion casting.
