Monday, August 06, 2012

Seven Minutes of Terror

From the mind of Marls:

With all due respect to our Olympians, this week’s most impressive performance by the United States may be taking place over 36 million miles away. By the time you read this we will have either taken a huge step forward in an effort to advance our understanding of the cosmos or we will have crashed $2.5 billion worth of space junk into Mars.

While I understand that G:TB’s staff usually limits their science discussions to Rob’s musings on the Large Hadron Collider, I thought that audacity of NASA’s Curiosity Lander deserved a post of its own.

Back in November of last year, NASA launched the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft with the intent of landing a golf cart sized Curiosity lander on Mars. The size of this latest Mars lander created some enormous challenges with regard to landing it safely on the planet surface. Namely, how the hell do you stop the f’ing thing? At about 1:25 EDT on August 6th, the spacecraft traveling at 13,000 miles per hour starts its decent into the Martian atmosphere and begins what NASA rather theatrically calls “7 Minutes of Terror”. I thought that might be hyperbole until I watched this video.

For those of you too lazy to watch the video, essentially it details (using some groovy movie trailer music) the six stages required to land this sucker, including a heat shield, supersonic parachute, rockets, and a “skycrane”. All of this will be done without assist from mission control, which gets information from the craft on a 14 minute delay meaning the lander’s fate will be sealed 7 minutes before anybody could do anything about it.

The scientists in the video seem really sure that this is going to work. I have to admit, I’m not nearly as confident in the ability for this seemingly MacGyverized plan. That being said, good luck smart chicks and dudes, make us all proud. Just please don’t wear lime green high-tops and a diamond encrusted grill to the presser.


  1. Don't bet against NASA. The trafic light in front of my apartment has been broken for 2 days, but somehow a governmental agency pulled this thing off.

    That is unless you belive the conspiracy theorists who will tell you that this whole thing is being filmed on a set in Culver City, CA in an effort to distract Americans form the fact that BO was not born in the US. Sadly, I can see Trump et al. claiming this.

  2. That's funny, I thought a "from the mind of Marls" piece would read "metsmetsmetsmets booze metsmetsmets hauntthehouse metsmetsmets."

  3. I have confidence that the golf cart will land safely on Mars, only to tip over after traveling less than 50 feet.

  4. Thankfully, they gave this thing 6 wheels instead of using the Caddyshack era 3 wheel EZ-GO design as originally planned.

  5. So long as it doesn't land on Marls.

  6. I thought the 'Seven minutes of terror' included deep knee bends, some doctoring and pink floyd.

  7. 7 minutes of terror reminds my wife of our third child's conception.

  8. my daughter just drank a large mountain dew and ate a giant piece of chocolate cake. this afternoon ought to be interesting.

  9. Awesome, Rob. Can't wait for the second installment of G:TB Parenting Chronicles.

    Also the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter got a snap shot of the landing. They are really trying to push this 'real' landing.

  10. Daddy's great.... He gives us chocolate cake....

  11. i feel about megan rapinoe like shlara does jay wright, danny ferry, adam scott or one of her various other boy toys.

  12. this us/canada women's game is absurd.

  13. Unfortunately for you Rob, last month Megan announced officially that she likes the ladies. However, her twin sister might still be available.

  14. So close to two hat tricks in the same game. Fun stuff.


  15. Somewhere, Brandi Chastain is laughing.

  16. did we just lose to f'ing Canada?

  17. are you serious clarke?

    hope solo, meet karma.

    (saw zero min of game but assuming she was the starting gtender)

  18. Headed to overtime. The us defense has looked terrible. Solo defended Buehler on twitter last week and just had to save her ass on the field.

  19. you're a damn liar, marls.

    1. Sorry Rob. It was apparently in the July issue of Out magazine. I guess your subscription ran out?

  20. hope solo seems like more sizzle than steak, no?

  21. well that's a pisser, marls.

    but alex morgan isn't.

  22. Alan Thicke is gonna be bummed.

  23. w&m women's soccer picked to win the caa. 'cause i know you were wondering.

  24. kyle whelliston runs the @swifterhigher twitter feed. think i can get him to ban me?

  25. Tom Hammond, perhaps the best gig in his business--the Olympics and Notre Dame football.

  26. So I know the olympics are going on right now, among other things and your thinking why would I want to click another stupid Squeaky link but if you use google, apple, amazon or anything 'cloud' based read this article, it could prevent you from a world of hurt.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

  27. I think best gig in the business is a little strong.

  28. When did Picabo Street turn 55 years old? Even Paul Hogan thinks she's wrinkly.

  29. Ah, Picabo Street, otherwise known as Times Square in TR's world.

  30. east brunswick alumni heather o'reilly provided the winning assist in the usa/ canada game.

  31. it's timely news like this that keeps our pagecount numbers high

  32. I'm pretty sure I refereed one of her games when she was a kid.

  33. I'm allegedly on vacation but I've had to work Sunday, Monday, and today. Can someone explain how to take vacation and stay on vacation for the duration of the vacation?

  34. stony brook and albany joining the caa for football. be still my heart.

  35. Wait...what? SUNY Albany is now in the CAA? Road trip to sm-Albany, boys?

  36. zman . . . teach! i'm like school in the summertime, no class.

  37. Are you all enjoying the sappy Al Trautwig doing the gymnastics? Dude is a mega-douche sycophant for fat Jimmy Dolan and the Knicks.

  38. Not gonna lie. Romanian gymnast Catalina Ponor is the sexiest gymnast I've seen in a while. And she's 24, so I'm not a pervert. Well, I am, but not for that reason.

  39. Zman--for your vacation, go to a place that has crappy internet and cell phone service

    TR--Trautwig is driving me nuts tonight. Tim and Elsie aren't much better either.

  40. Sharla, Zman was at our casa Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So shitty cell coverage was definitely in play. Maybe I should have not given him the wireless password. But he is a glutton for punishment.


    some filler for ya...heard about his yesterday but never had a chance to watch it. what the feck?

    i think a triple lindy would have salvaged a medal for him

  42. New, non-Feck filler is up.
