Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pre-OBFT Filler: Sucky Helmets and Soccer Hotties

Quite a few of the folks who frequent this space will be headed down to the Outer Banks tomorrow for the 19th (right, 19th?) edition of the Outer Banks Fishing Trip, or OBFT for the uninitiated. rob has promised some sort of OBFT post for tomorrow, but in the meantime, we need some filler. Tiny suggested showing everyone these horrendous Virginia Tech alternative helmets that were revealed the other day (via SB Nation):

Yep, those are a traveshamockery. rob also requested more pics of Alex Morgan, so here's that too (via the glory that is Google Image search):

Adios, folks. See you on the flip side. And for those headed down to the Martha Wood Resort Cottage and casino, don't forget those atrocious t-shirts. There are patrons of Tortuga's we need to impress/appall.


  1. i wouldn't classify that as a sucky helmet. just my opinion.

    downloaded the bleacher report app on phone yesterday...pretty good for cfb.

    mark - any rec's on that front?

  2. Danimal, what are you doing? Bleacher Report is poo poo.

  3. that was me, using the HQ email account...if you're downloading that schlock, you might as well download the SB Nation app too.

  4. really, that was you? #sarcasm

    teej - i will do so.

  5. I'm with Teej. Bleacher Report is just going to send you links to articles you've probably already seen/read thru surfing the web or whilst on twitter.

    Pretty jealous of all the OBFT attendees. I need some beer filled, kidless beach time.

  6. bryce harper, not quite ready for prime time. discuss.

  7. USMNT seemingly ready for it. Quite surprisingly.

  8. Hey Dan- how you liking those Notre Dame uniforms for the Miami game?

  9. i'll answer for danimal: hahahahahahaha!!!!

  10. Saw them today. Am surprised it took you people 4 plus hours to say something. Turrible.

  11. I will add that I am ok w BK trying this. And what we or I dislike is probably what a recruit thinks is cool. They could give 2 shits about "tradition".

  12. i totally agr...hahahahahahaha

  13. Rob's Pussy Riot story is quite relevant this morning. Gary Kasparov attended their trial. And got his ass beat by the police for his efforts.

  14. And the girls from Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in the hoosegow.

  15. I believe Gulag we be the correct alternate term for prison in this case.

  16. alex morgan, you nerds. and nerdettes.
