Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Loading Up the Family Truckster, Destination College

rob's email to me this morning:
You should do an ‘off to school’ GTB post today.

OK. Sure. Tomorrow the two best Benjamin Buttons-esque parentalish figures will be taking my new sister-in-law to her freshman year of college, down I-95 in Virginia. I contend there is no way all the stuff she has packed will fit in the car, despite best efforts at Car Packing Tetris. BaconBaking contends she is great at Tetris, and thus those skillz will apply to this packing effort. We shall see.

I just hope tomorrow is not the same oppressive heat and humidity as when I moved in 18 years ago to Dupont Hall in Williamsburg. "Oh, sweet, I chose to go to college in a Dagobah-like swamp. Great choice, Teej."

There. Not much of a post, but we needed something up. And here is your obligatory Billy Madison clip.


  1. Squeaky, we're gonna need you to be a tad more specific...

  2. it's like the republicans *want* me to rant about vaginas on the internet. i'm starting to think those guys may not know very much about women.

  3. Moving into dorms is the worst. It's much more fun when you move into a college apartment/house and can celebrate your new digs with a round of bong hits.

  4. You let your s-i-l go to W&M?

  5. TJ maybe I need to strum another tune like Janie Jones, Train in Vain or Know Your Rights.

  6. zman...not Tribe bound.
    Squeaky, i google it hours ago.
    Mark, that form of celebration can be held in all forms of lodging.

  7. tj, why don't you tell us where she'll be learning so that we can make fun of her school too?

  8. I'm aware it can be held anywhere. It's just much more fun in a private residence. No spoof, no toweling the door. A different experience altogether.

  9. Amazingly, the car has already been packed. Chicken and waffles being prepared as final dinner for the youngster.
