Thursday, August 09, 2012

Gheorghe-pourri Lives

It's baaaaaaaack..."Gheorghe-pourri", the excuse for me to clean up the G:TB editorial drafts. Let's jump right in:

Something about Pussy Riot and Vladimir Putin's fear thereof
Flat-D Flatulence Deoderizer |

Some breaking news from TR, unless he has talked himself down off the ledge:
"Declaring for Fandom Free Agency.  Coming to Terms with My Broken (Sports) Marriage."
It is with a heavy hear that I am officially announcing my break-up from the New York Knicks.  It has been a wonderful ~30 years, but I feel that our relationship is now irrevocably broken, and I must move on.  I would like to thank the 1980's players such as Bernard King, Gerald Wilkins, Marc Jackson and Patrick Ewing who led me to the team, and the warriors who gave this team an image in the early/mid 1990's, including Charles Oakley, John Starks, Pat Rileyand even Xavier McDaniel.  I would also like to thank the players who kept the fire alive in the post-Riley era, which featured ugly (though highly competitive) basketball, notably Larry Johnson, Marcus Camby and Allan Houston.

I have very little to say about this franchise over the last twelve years.  It has been a consistent churn of mid-level talent that bore the stamp of mediocrity imprinted on it by Isiah Thomas.  The team challenged my heart over and over again, and has finally broken it.  I feel nothing for these guys.  A younger, idealistic version of me might still idolize the team and its superstars, but the adult me, with finite free time and finite discretionary income, has decided to take my talents elsewhere.

The constant in the narrative of failure this millenium has been owner Jim Dolan.  I pin the blame for the failure of this marriage squarely on his tubby shoulders.  He has run this franchise like the frenetic spoiled brat he remains in his mid 50's.

I'm pretty sure Rich Danko, Levon Helm and Robbie Robertson are all rolling in their grave over this sacrilege. And Robbie Robertson ain't even dead yet. 

zman wheeling out his hype machine for notoriously humble Kanye West:
"Mighty Healthy G.O.O.D. Music"
Kanye West continues to dominate, this time by borrowing the drum line and a line or two from "Mighty Healthy," one of my favorite Ghostface songs.

There are actually quite a few more items in drafts that need to be cleaned up, but these should suffice for now. Carry on.


  1. So is TR giving up on pro basketball, jumping on the B-Nets bandwagon, focusing only on the Islanders...?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Remember the big scene in Jazz Singer when Neil Diamond's dad rips his own collar in front of Neil in a symbolic "you are dead to me" sign?

    It's like that with me and the Knicks. They are now dead to me. It has nothing to do with Jeremy Lin either (who's not worth what Houston is paying him, btw).

    Jim Dolan is Neil Diamond. And I am his Dad. With a ripped collar.

  3. The formatting on this post reminds me of our fraternity at 3:00 on Sunday morning.

  4. Does that mean when Dolan shows you a picture of Chris Paul, all will be forgiven?

  5. Laila Ali has been chugging Botox.

  6. Costas isn't cool enough for those glasses.

  7. America number 1.

    When did bmx become an olympic sport? Don't they have the x games?

  8. I will say it is pretty entertaining. Nice wreckage.

  9. It is pretty entertaining. Not quite as entertaining as the shit show known as the Orlando Magic. Nice trade, dicks.

  10. That Howard trade...yikes.

  11. the lakers have kobe, howard, nash, and pau. that's daunting. go thunder.

  12. So in the light of day...I hate the Magic trade even more than last night.

    Also, remember when I said Russia would likely be the USA's opponent in the basketball final. They're currently up 13 on Spain.

  13. It appears that Tyrann Mathieu really doesn't give a shit. So much so that he's gone at LSU.

  14. puff, puff, pass on out of baton rouge

  15. Don't fuck the rotation! We major.

  16. Jim Mora Jr.: "When you're talking about UCLA, it's one of the great schools in the world -- not just America, but in the world. It's a safe, beautiful campus in a great area of town. I mean, we don't have murders one block off our campus."

    Not ONE block off campus, maybe, but the most publicized double homicide of our lifetime happened just 3.3 miles from campus. Might want to stay away from that whole line of discussion.

  17. zsister-in-law is scheduled to participate in tomorrows NYC ironman triathlon along with several metric tons of human sewage floating in the Hudson River. Can't wait!

  18. Seems I spoke to soon regarding Russia-Spain. That's okay. I'd rather see USA-Spain in the finals anyway. Anyone else getting psyched for USA-Argentina at 4?

    I've really begun to loathe this Argentina squad. So dirty. So floppy.

  19. i heard last night that it was 90+% certain they were going to cancel the swim...not the case?

  20. Heard the same thing Danimal. I'd be pissed if I had trained for the race and they cancel the swim.

  21. Am seeing on the facebook that the river has been declared safe. So it must be then.

  22. I saw them swimming in the river at lunch. You have been fed false information.

  23. that wasn't very clear...
    by "it must be then" i meant it must be safe.
    yeah, swim is on per ironman.

  24. I guess it's cleaner than the Ganges so it's safe enough.

  25. A I-AA program is about to be very psyched about having Honey Badger.

    Anybody got specifics on what he did? Was it just smoking weed? Must be bad to boot him.

  26. fucking nbc and their fucking live extra fucking olympics viewer. fuck them for their fucking free app not fucking working so i can watch basketball at fucking work.

  27. Mathieu would look damn good in a tribe uni.

    The refs have not called a lot of second half fouls in this USA-Arg game. I attribute this to Argentina falling down every time there is a stiff breeze.

  28. news flash: lane kiffin is a disingenuous fuckstick

  29. tiger keeps talking about 'getting blown' in his post round interview. glad to see he's back to his old ways.

  30. Best of luck to zsister today... Follow 1925 too
