Thursday, July 12, 2012


A clip from the greatest love story ever told in honor of the pending nuptials of two of the great people in our little corner of the world or any other. May the Doofus Overlord and the Bride of Doofus avoid life's fire swamps, and may I be the only rodent of unusual size you encounter on your journey.


  1. Bride of Doofus needs to remember that Doofus is not left-handed.

  2. Hmmmm, this looks and sounds awfully familiar.

  3. We have a strong contingent of editors and commenters who might agree...

  4. SiriusXM informed me this morning that their station AltNation helped America discover unknown band Grouplove over the past month.

    To that I respond by referring them to this post. G:TB was on it six months ago.

  5. #doofuswedding has gained traction...we have our wedding hashtag.

  6. ...take me to your best friend's house....

  7. So where is this shindig taking place this wkd? I may crash it.

  8. Hop on the same flight as Mark...

  9. I believe the ceremony will take place next to the Mammoth statue in the lobby of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. I missed TJ's first wedding because I was in another wedding on the same day... I see this wedding as God saying to TJ "a wedding when Geoff isn't there doesn't count."

  10. geoff and the allmighty are tight. it's well documented. just ask harold reynolds.

  11. Sally Jenkins just fucking destroyed Joe Pa.

  12. i think joe pa destroyed joe pa

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think Rob's friend LBJ and TJ's friend KD35 will be in town Saturday for the USA Team workouts at the Verizon Center. Maybe they can make an appearance at the wedding of the year?

  15. I'm boarding a plane and heading up to #doofuswedding in less than 3 hours. Kind of excited. Also a pretty high probability that I'll be very drunk tonight.

  16. Shlara- don't forget my cousin James Harden.

  17. happy #doofuswedding eve, everybody! wish i could be there for the first ever mark/clarence meeting this evening. unless that's not planned, in which case tomorrow should be absurd. absurder.

  18. i do hope/expect there to be at least some live reporting either here and/or on the tweeter.

    clarence hasn't met mark? how about whitney? clarence & whitney should be quite the show too.

  19. Clarence & I are planning on meeting this evening. I believe Jeremetrius may join us as well.

    And you can count on some live tweeting Danimal. With the #doofuswedding hashtag, of course.
