Tuesday, July 17, 2012

#doofuswedding: The Aftermath

The measure, I think, of the great times in our lives is the amount of joy we get from them. I've been to one other wedding in my days that ranked with #doofuswedding on that account. Much love to the bride and groom as they depart for the Emerald Isle, and big ups to the G:TB staff members and friends who attended, in the flesh or in spirit.

The Doofus Overlord himself sends the following photos from his honeymoon planning:

And in this picture, you can see Clarence, Mark, Teejay, Mrs. Teejay, rob, Shlara, Jerry, KQ, Greg, Igor, Marls, and Whitney, in no particular order.

One of these is larrrrger than the others. And one much slighter.


  1. spain had to be watching that game last night and salivating. and not just because shlara was in the stands.

  2. You guys are funny. We're going to get our asses handed to us by Spain and Venzuela is the rest of the team doesn't step up. LBJ can't win the gold by himself

  3. 1) Murder teams with pressure D
    2) Don't ballstop on offense (unless it's LeBron in a post mismatch)
    3) Keep Chandler out of foul trouble

    I think we're good if we do those things. Hopefully Carmelo will be marginalized as we move along - he just doesn't fit what the team does. I'd rather see Iguodola get more minutes, especially if LBJ and Durant are on the floor. Love and Harden also had trouble fitting in and I'm fine with limiting their minutes unless we need Love for size.

  4. A lot of us look evil in that picture. I'm probably the worst offender.

  5. I see my brother is pictured, but not named. Nicely done.

  6. Never met your brother. From the picture, I assume Doyle bookends?

  7. nice pic...can now put some names w/the faces. sort of.

    please tell me someone eventually straightened that print in the background.


  8. Enjoyable moment for me: finding out TJ's mom doesn't like Slater.

    "Oh you're not Slater are you? I don't like that Slater."

  9. Is this pre or post carbombs?

    Danimal - I doubt that that print has been straightened in 10 years.

  10. Poor Slats. Forever associated with my brother taking way too many Jager shots with him, causing my brother to puke all over the hotel room.

  11. This was certainly after one or two car bombs...and more were had.

  12. dammit. wish i could have been there looking evil.

    if you haven't been to SOD today, i am recommending that the entire g:tb staff read fred exley's "a fan's notes" so then we can add to my " a fan's notes on a fan's notes" other such posts . . . " a fan's notes on a fan's notes on a fan's notes" and "a fan's notes on a fan's notes on a fan's notes on a fan's notes" etc.

  13. rob, take some of that hard earned and abundant cash and buy yourself another pair or two of shoes. ya gotta rotate those bitches. let's get w/the program.

    and michael floyd is looking for someone to entertain him while he's at home in st. paul for a bit.

  14. The wedding really was a great time. Even more than I anticipated giving my semi-outsider status among all the W&M folks. Fortunately, I'm extra social when I'm drinking. Which I was, heavily.

  15. See, I was smart. I closed my eyes so the zombies wouldn't get me. Looks like the rest of you weren't so quite so lucky. Also, skipping the car bombs might have helped. #stonegroove

  16. like so many others, mark has learned how powerfully cool w&m folks are. small sample size caveats may apply.

  17. Fuck yeah...we have arrived in the Emerald Isle...

  18. havin a bit of the craic are ya teej? lovely!

  19. TJ...the guy who goes on his honeymoon and increases his twitter output.

  20. it's much easier to tween & drive over there. and it probably won't cost him much either. 'sall good.

  21. tweet of course, not tween. what's tween?

  22. Sounds like some flavor of prostitute.

  23. right...a flavor that LT might like.

  24. I don't want to leave this place

  25. g:tb? you're gonna need to branch out a bit, son.

  26. Danimal, thanks for the Dublin recommendation. Any of you other clowns been over here?

  27. teej...spelled it wrong...it's o'donoghues on merrion row

  28. Avoid the Temple Bar Area. I found it to be Dublin's answer to Times Square.

    Also, don't forget that map.

  29. hopefully you'll be getting out of dooblin and into the country at some point.

  30. Greg and I swung through Dublin on our way to Rome. Our luggage, however, did not.

  31. it was in oslo, impersonating a german bobsled team

  32. Kid Minneapolis...from Detroit...

  33. He was killed in the ring in Houston. By Tex Colorado. You know, the Arizona Assassin.

  34. tyler clippard gets a save for that, huh?

  35. I am older than Dez Bryant's mom.
