Friday, June 29, 2012

2012 NBA Draft: The Gheorghe Pick

Last night, the NBA Draft took place. Lots of dudes were chosen. Go read about that stuff elsewhere. I only care about who was taken with the 30th pick for the sake of this post, AKA The Gheorghe Pick. The lucky winner? Just happens to be the guy with the best name in the draft: Festus Ezeli. The seven footer from Vanderbilt went to the Golden State Warriors with the final pick in Round 1.Good luck young man. May the spirit of Gheorghe guide you through the rigors of the NBA season.

Here's a complete rundown on all the ballers, and I use that term loosely, taken at slot No. 30 since 1980:
Why do I feel like we've posted this before? I think it's seeing Lampe's name...we definitely have mocked the Magic Lamp in this space before.


  1. david lee laughs with gheorghe at the rest of this group.

    and tr, the wiz/bullets would be glad to have you on board the bandwagon. all the dysfunction of the knicks with half the talent.

    and finally, jim irsay is making a strong personal push to get me on board the coltswagon.

  2. Lou Roe is on this list!!!

  3. I'm leaning towards the Nuggets b/c the Thunder feel too bandwagonesque. Also, the Thunder CEO does not like me.

  4. Mark West!! He is beloved 'round here, and not just because of his FG%.

  5. scott machado and jordan taylor went undrafted last night. wiz desperately need a backup for wall. hmmm.

    and tr, why does bennett not like you?

  6. That's a story best left off the internets. It involves a priest, a naked dude, and a wheelchair.

  7. Got my picture taken with Al Pacino last night. He's taller than Rob but shorter than everyone else on the G:TB roster.

  8. and that is a terrific brush with fame. well done....whitney?

  9. i have a buddy who lives out in evansville, in...he was at a draft party last night. in attendance was rick smits. just a smidge below al pacino.

  10. i'm having lunch with joe biden's son in a few weeks. i'm pretty big time.

  11. That's a pretty egregious use of the Make-A-Wish foundation, rob.

  12. That's Rik Smits. Screw the C, pal. Like Rik Mayall.

  13. Bennett doesn't know who I am, but Aubrey does. I turned on CHK's stock as the soap opera with that company started in April, and I have been quoted a fair bit pointing out the company's myriad issues. Hoever, I think he's got bigger (though less succulent) fish to fry these days.

  14. Totally unrelated, but I just found my first white nose hair. Weird. And gross.

  15. Federer seems to have lost a few steps and more than a few mph, eh, Zman?

  16. Steve Logan is on this list. I loved Steve Logan at Cincy. I presume he's playing in Europe somewhere.

  17. Via the fine folks at Wikipedia:

    In May 2011, Logan was inducted to the Cincinnati Basketball Hall of Fame along with Wally Szczerbiak and Aaron Williams. In an interview on the same date, Logan states he has not played competitively for two to three years due to a meniscus repair knee surgery. He concedes that he is at his end with playing basketball. He is currently running local basketball camps and is also interested in getting into coaching at either high school or college level.

  18. tom cruise soon to be single! travolta just got major wood.

  19. When I was in ROTC at W&M, the commanding officer was Captain Wood, who got promoted guessed it...Major Wood.

  20. can someone take a pic of their car thermostat and post here? that would be wicked cool.

  21. Why were you in ROTC in college? For the chicks, right?

  22. Mark just made me spit some beer out. Damn him.

    Rob was in ROTC as well. He had the little GI Joe Army boots. Almost looked real.

  23. Who else is looking forward to seeing "Magic Mike" this weekend?

    Just me??

  24. TR's ROTC story involves a priest, a naked dude, a wheelchair, and a swim test.

  25. Adam Dunn is on pace for 260 strikeouts. I think that's a lot.

  26. I would see 'Magic Mike' if it was a biopic on DJ Magic Mike.

  27. I was just perusing the list of #30 picks and I noticed Nate McMillan. I played basketball at the same college as Nate McMillan. Of course it was a JUCO when he went there and D3 when I did. And he was an All-American and I backed up the coach's kid.

    But still. Chowan University, son!

  28. I really should've looked longer at this list. SI cover boy Fennis Dembo (that's a pretty solid rapper aka) is on here. Venezuela's own Carl Herrera is on here.

    I might be slightly drunk right now. Might.

  29. successful mini-summit at dave's house. preparing for the mother of all editorial meetings in two weeks.

  30. what happens in two weeks?

  31. boys--I'm normally not one of those weather freaks but the storm in DC last night was insane. Three 30-ft trees on my street came down. The dudes with the chain saws and wood chippers just finished taking out the trunks. Branches and debris everywhere. I can't imagine what a hurricane or tornado is like. Sounded like a freight train coming into my house when the storm started last night.

  32. At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
    And a freight train running through the middle of my head
    Only you can cool my desire
    Oh Oh Oh
    I'm on fire

  33. ii men, abc, bbd...east coast family

  34. What happened to the lads in ABC? You know who I'm talking about...Chris, Mark, Red, Dave, Ro.

  35. And Shlara, you beat me to it. If last night shook you up, you don't want anything to do with a hurricane. No joke, obviously.

  36. "It came without no warning" said Bobbi Jo McLean
    She and husband Nolen always loved to watch the rain
    It sucked him out the window, he ain't come home again
    All she can remember is "It sounded like a train"

  37. So r you Virginians still sans power? Seeing all kinds of nutty pics on the Facebook.

  38. i'm in massachusetts, hoping to return to an intact home next weekend. power is out for a lot of my neighbors.

  39. Best scotch? Third scotch. Worst scotch? Same scotch.

  40. I have far more grey in my beard than I did at this time last year. I feel like it's time for me to become better acquainted with scotch. I just love whiskey so damn much.

  41. started the day with a 10-mile run. forgot to powder up, so i had some mild nippular and groinal chafing. just jumped into the ocean. felt like someone hooked my nipples and groin to an electrical outlet. holy fuck. do not recommend.

  42. I need to send you some body glide? And yeah..salt water will do that.

  43. no, i'm aware of the need - just forgot this morning. it was early.

  44. no tv at our house here - getting ready to watch the euro final on my phone. first world problems, friends.

  45. Sorry to hear of your TV woes. I somehow managed to lop $16.90 off my monthly cable bill by adding Cinemax and a sports package that includes the Tennis Channel and dropping Shotime. Now I get to watch Wimbledon AND soft-core smut while saving money.

    The Tennis Channel already paid dividends -- they have British guys covering Wimbledon which leads to exchanges like this:

    Announcer 1: Dimitrov is really upset with himself over that last backhand.

    Announcer 2: He ought to be more upset with himself for selecting that dodgy shirt.

    Announcer 1: Indeed.

  46. Sharapova's loss is unfortunate. I admire her work a great deal.
