Monday, April 30, 2012

Unit M Filler

Williamsburg, VA (likely) - Two disaffected youths put down cans of Beast Light to properly assist in couch removal from a decrepit building.

Speaking from experience, I have done this once to my own couch, and assisted at least two other fellas in proper couch toss removal while in the 'Burg.


  1. The air conditioner off the 3rd floor fire escape was the best. That thing made some weird noises at the bottom.

  2. Chad and I threw our couch off the balcony at the end of the year as it was easier than carrying it all the way down the stairs. But, of course, we carried it up to the third floor so that its flight would be more dramatic.

  3. And who's in charge of formatting around here?

  4. Yeah, I recall all of our stuff being less than even Salvation Army quality at the end of the year, and the festivities only started with couches and extended to chairs, coffee tables, fans, and tvs as well. Shocking we ever lost that house...

  5. The new Florida State mascot is hilariously awful.

  6. 93 minutes until Derby time.

  7. Gah - traveling today - going to miss the end of the Manc Derby and beginning of the Rangers game.

  8. As opposed to the Mank Derby, the abortive wrestling match between Marls and Jugs Carlisimov.

  9. some good things i threw off the third floor balcony: a flaming carcass of a recently shot and dressed duck carcass; a crock-pot full of old and moldy chili; a giant round table shaped like a gear; a number of beer bottles (the beer bottles sound mundane, but they resulted in the most trouble-- the "williamsburg four" was held accountable for their actions).

  10. no mention of the bottle rocket burial of the radar love lizard? best/worst gravity test ever. certainly the most pathetic.

  11. I never lived on high enough floors in Gainesville to make throwing things off off balconies or roofs worth it. But two separate roomates of mine set fire to couches near the end of different semesters.

  12. I remember the Williamsburg Four. I will never forget.

  13. We threw a 80s Sony TV Console off the third floor at the end of my Junior or Senior year. Can't remember which one. But that thing weighed well over 200 pounds and dented the ground when it hit. Looked something like this Beast.

  14. i only vaguely remember the lizard and the bottle rocket. i guess it didn't go very far.

    willaimsburg four! (i am doing the secret hand signal right now).

  15. Self-promotion alert: I may be on CNBC at 5:05 PM today. Get your popcorn.

  16. For the old "pecker in the popcorn trick" of course.

  17. TR, can you work the term "normal backwardization" into your remarks?

  18. You'll never see more black Celtics fans than at a Hawks home game.

  19. Kenny Smith's outfit is giving Sager a run for his money.

  20. I saw ya t.r...i look forward to the next Chesapeake eval.....or other energy co....PBR perhaps.

  21. almost as big as rob who is apparently the new Director of the Federal Government

  22. This shirt is beyond tremendous:
