Monday, April 23, 2012

Shame On Us

Shame on us for not paying a wee bit of homage to Levon Helm or The Band after last week's news of his passing. I wasn't the hugest fan of The Band out there, but as a Bob Dylan fan and a classic rock fan, I respected the hell out of of them. The Last Waltz is mandatory viewing for any fan of music. Here's a clip of Levon from that epic Scorcese documentary.


  1. i've never seen "the last waltz." is it a concert film or does it have a story to it?

  2. It's a concert film directed by Scorcese. It's their final show, after 12 years together. They have interview clips b/w songs. The guys are mostly in their late 30's and look very strung out.

    Lots of guests make appearances during the show: Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Dr. John, Neil Diamond and others.

  3. Dave, I've never seen the movie either...OBFT viewing? I'll grab the Betamax player.

  4. good idea, teej. i usually don't have the patience for a concert film, but the fishing trip is the perfect place for it. plus we can watch it every year, since we never remember anything.

  5. this saints story is increasingly excellent theater. i can't wait for chapter 3: tom benson's snuff film fetish.

  6. Posting a Last Waltz clip in tribute to Levon Helm is like posting a video of Mike Love and Roger Clemens drinking gin and eating garden mushrooms when I die. He hated that film. His feud with Robbie Robertson was at its worst, and Levon bristled at how much the movie focused on Robertson, making him seem like the camera hog L.A. prima donna he'd become. In truth, it's a cool concert video, but not to Levon Helm.

  7. I know Levin's issue with Robbie Robertson and the film, but this is a clip of Levon's signature song with some extra soul.

  8. And yes, I do realize I just made him a little more Jewish.

  9. i really need to brush up on my knowledge of "the band." am i allowed to watch "the last waltz" or not?

  10. Watch it. Lots of cool musicianship and shit.

  11. Remember when Randall Cunningham came out of retirement in 1998 and it was amazing how he played despite being an old man? He was 35.

  12. okay, z, i'll bite: what's randall cunningham have to do with the price of beans?

  13. Nothing really. Just doing work on a draft preview. Then I realized that "old" Cunningham is years younger than I am now. So I feel old.
