Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Traditions

Effective immediately, the G:TB editorial staff and community will begin greeting one another in the hongi tradition of the Maori, as demonstrated below by Honk Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang and New Zealand Minister of Maori Affairs Pita Sharples.

Use of the haka in editorial meetings remains optional.


  1. People learn from us,
    teach them about new greeting.
    Hongi for Honkies!

  2. i hope everyone catches my awesome and completely unintentional freudian typo

  3. I doubt anyone cleared these samples. If you like Pet Sounds and J Dilla then you'll like this too.

  4. In response to comments from the last thread. The EDSBS analysis of Will Hill's twitter feed never gets old. It first came out as he was preparing for the NFL Draft. I doubt it torpedoed his draft stock (since, you know, he sucked) but it couldn't have helped. He's now playing in the AFL in case you were wondering.

    Frozen Cadbury Eggs are a game changer. I'm a little ashamed by ow many I've eaten in the past 3 days. Just a little.

    And yes, I saw the news on Sapp and his Jordan collection. Stupid, ridiculous and pretty impressive. To add on to that Joe Johnson (Atlanta Hawks) has a unreal shoe collection, that he guards by having a fingerprint scanner at the entry to his shoe closet. Swear to God.’s-shoe-closet-is-larger-nicer-than-your-apartment/

  5. Nice find, Z. I may have to splurge on that. I love Pet Sounds.

  6. So the Nats' starters and set-up guys are pretty good, no? Wish the team could make contact with the balls every once in a while.

  7. i've said the same thing to my wife.

    kidding. kidding.

  8. You call your wife "The Team".

    That doesn't sound very flattering.

  9. Wait LeBron said something that doesn't make him look like an ass.

    "I love representing my country, man," James said. "I've done it since 2004 and I'm looking forward to doing it in London. As far as (pay), I don't know, man. It doesn't matter. I'm happy to be a part of the team, to be selected again."

  10. Of course Rob calls his wife The team. He calls her cans Bump and Set. You can figure out the rest.

    Sorry, dude.

  11. The Norfolk Tides took a 12-5 lead into the 9th inning of their first businessman's special of the year. They lost.

    Good thing I had an all-day meeting or I'd be pretty hammered right now.

  12. igor's schnozz is too big to do that nose thing.

  13. You can do it from across the room.

  14. overtime playoff hockey!


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