Monday, April 02, 2012

Muppet Filler


  1. Start the game already!!!
    I won't be able to stay awake for the first half...

  2. hi, everybody!

    williamsburg is a fuckton different than it used to be, especially the stretch just west of town on richmond road. i don't like progress in williamsburg.

    and i don't like having to watch this game from an empty hotel lobby with no alcohol.

  3. Is there a reason you won't watch it at a bar? Or just buy alcohol & watch it in your room?

  4. kids are asleep in the room, i've got work to do, so i'm watching it while doing tps reports.

  5. tribe baseball is third in the caa and has the league's best overall record. new futile superfan venue?

  6. I'm still awake, barely.
    Clark is way annoying
    I miss Gus

  7. hey Rob, if you think the part west of town on richmond road is different, take a ride out monticello to will get lost. it's insane.

    and do y'all know the leafe has a second location now?!

  8. I haven't been back to the burg in at least 7 years. I'm sure I'd be lost on campus and off at this point.

  9. Random Burg-related questions: Are any VA/DC folks thinking of trekking to College Park, MD for Tribe-Terps on Labor Day w/e? The wife (Maryland grad) and I are thinking of trekking down w/ the kids as part of a mini-trip.

    Anybody up for a Tribal tailgate?

  10. Haven't been to the Burg since 1998. And proud of it.

    I would prefer a Tribal Dancers tailgate.
