Wednesday, April 04, 2012

MLB Opening Day Filler

I'm just gonna throw this up right now as a place holder...I might actually come back and add a bit more on Opening Day later.

If in fact I do not return, here is my apology picture in advance.


  1. igor, now that we've hit 40, i've found it's best not to start comparing accomplishments with people (unless you're comparing attendance for the obft).

  2. This headline is all sorts of win.

    "Gordon Ramsay's Dwarf Porn Double Found Dead in a Badger Den in Wales"

  3. I can't wait to see all the NFL players showing off the 'logo lock up gloves' this season after every routine play.

    signed bitter old man.

  4. went for a run in the burg this morning. tr and i are polar opposites on this: i love this town. there's no place on earth that feels more like home to me.

  5. Did you do the infamous mile route for old times sake?

  6. It is I, not TR, who abhors the Burg. I think TR is somewhere between you and me on the Burg-o-phile spectrum.

  7. I abhor blog titles, not the town of Williamsburg, VA.

  8. Brushes w fame today include lynn swann which was stellar. And jusy now in the liqqer store....Eric Dickerson. Cool cat....

  9. i never run into anyone famous in the liquor store . . .

  10. I'm in Columbus Ohio. There will be a post about this.

  11. say hello to buck.

    banner day for me - increased my hoodie collection by 100%. hope not to get shot by a republican.

  12. did you go from 1 hoodie to 2 hoodies? or 0 hoodies to 1 hoodie? the first means you increased your collection by a factor of two-- and your likelihood of being shot. in the second scenario, you started with 0, and a 100% of 0 is still 0.

    i am wearing a hoodie right now.

  13. Um. Wow.

  14. For about the first 2:20 to 2:30 of that clip, I was willing to believe he was speaking metaphorically. But that doesn't really work with "we need to take out his ACL".

  15. Cubs bullpen already in mid-season suck form.

  16. big news on the rob front. gave my employer notice today, starting a pretty cool new job at the end of the month. commencing operation shutdown.

  17. That is big news. Much bigger than stupid baseball starting back up. Wake me when it's August.

  18. pretty cool new job?

    liquor store manager? fluffer? carney?

    details, please . . .
