Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Greg, Look What Exists...

I loaded these materials into the blogger interface, but perhaps someone else added the text below? Or no, did we just plagiarize all of that? Honestly, who gives a rat's's fucking Daryl Hall. He's alive. And honestly, he's kicking some ass. I realize this is not an Igor post, talking up all the wonderful double-header music evenings they've had of late...but it's fucking Daryl Hall. I'm impressed. Enjoy. I hate you all.

Daryl Hall has had the great good fortune, in his own words, of “being in the right place at the right time” for what has turned out a rich and varied career. He has worked with virtually all of the great musicians of modern popular music as well as entering into new relationships with the best of the latest generation of artists.


  1. I was bummed when I missed the show in Boston. I have yet to see Sharon Jones. She's on my must see concert list.

  2. For Teedge's next trip to Vegas:

  3. The Black Keys video for Lonely Boy is full of awesome but you got to love this video as well.

  4. Clyde is so fucking fly in that pony skin suit. Fly little pony, if you will.

  5. Squeaky - where's the 1 paragraph review of WWPJ? Dig those guys.

    They picked up where your precious Belle and Sebastian left off.
    (name that quote)

  6. High Fidelity is the only movie I've ever seen that mentions B&S so that's my guess.

  7. WWPJ show was great. It's towards the end of their tour but I'd recommend seeing them live if you have the chance.

    It was a very loud show. The energy level was off the charts. Most bands struggle to capture the sound off their albums or improve it in a live setting but these guys just rocked it out. They managed to do both. Definitely should have had my ear plugs in but left them in the car. (And yes I'm an old man with gradual hearing loss. Way too many shows in my time.) They played for about 75 minutes not bad for a band that only has two albums out.

    Two quirky things that are sort of my pet peeves with live shows, Zoltan knows them all too well, are taking long ass breaks between songs tweaking and tuning their shit and super chatty front men/women.

    These guys were from the Bob Mould school of rock. They didn't say a word to the audience until 40 minutes into the set. No multiple guitar changes or rows and rows of effects pedals. They just showed up and played. The song 'It's Thunder and It's Lightning' was the last song of the night and just awesome. Here's another clip of the same song from a KEXP show.

    I would definitely see them again and recommended if you're into punkish indie rock.
