Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy National Pie Day

Vintage Rock...have fun in the comments with this made-up holiday.



  1. i have a "Now You Know" for today...
    did you know that one of your fellow alum and w.r. standouts for the tribe played a couple of years of cfl football with that guy AND roomed w/him? Corey L. told me a story once about how broke they were (they were on the practice squad at the time) and once found a mattress in a dumpster that they grabbed and used in their apt. within the year of he telling me that story, i listened to dwayne tell the same one on leno.

  2. and on the topic of w&m alum, several of them, 8 in fact, and myself will be partaking in st. paddy's day festivities in the city of chicago beginning in about 50 hours and ending 50 hours after that. if you're in the area, stop on by.

  3. I think its actually national Pi Day. Seriously. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066

  4. According to the interwebs, it is National Pi Day AND National Bake A Pie Day...and National Registered Dietician Day. And trust me, you don't want to go to an unregistered dietician.

  5. Brandon Marshall seems like a quality human being.

  6. Is it possible Dwight Howard's current behavior is even douchier than the whole LeBron "Decision" thing? I submit it just may be.

  7. i submit that the bikinis are out in full force this week. it's crazy ya'll.

  8. I guess Melo won the Knicks power struggle

  9. You would think it's hard to type while patting myself on the back, but I seem to be doing okay. I totally called the timing of the D'Antoni firing. They were playing for his job against the Bulls on Monday. The 5 non-spambots in the world who are signed up for my riveting Twitter feed read all about this from me Monday night.

    The return of Carmelo meant the death of Linsanity. Mike Woodson will get to hold down the fort until he gets canned in April.

    If Calipari becomes the next coach, I will officially divorce myself from the Knicks.

  10. TR--you can't have Coach Cal. He's coming to the Wizards after he wins a NCAA championship. We're changing the name to the Washington Wildcats.

  11. And he's bringing Rod Strickland back to town with him. We can all hang out with Rod at Jaspers in PG County, like the good old days.

  12. And Rod will still puke up hotdogs at halftime, even as an assistant coach.

  13. If Phil Jackson ends up coaching the Knicks (and he might) then this past season is the best thing to happen to the Knicks since...ah fuck it. They'll still suck.

  14. And Geoff knows what he's talking about. Remember when he let himself go and got pretty fat? He didn't let himself go at all. He was using an unregistered dietician.

  15. my 10 year-old came home from school with entirely new definitions for the words 'dick and 'pussy'. awesome. dave, i expect she'll be teaching them to your boys any day now.

  16. Entirely new from what we know them to be? Or new as in not "a guy's name" and "cat"?

  17. the latter. she knows what we know.

  18. wow, mark. big day for the bucs.

  19. I guess. I was okay with the Jackson & Nicks signings. Though I think they gave Jackson too much guaranteed money I'm okay with it as I think he'll make their young WRs better. And I've got money on him getting a DUI within a year of living in Tampa.

    Hopefully the Nicks addition will solidify their OLine & turn them into a dominant unit. They've certainly got enough money invested in it.

    I hate the Eric Wright signing. Too much money for an average corner.

    All in all, I like it better than the Skins splurging on 13 average receivers.

  20. Jay Wright looking pretty good on TruTV tonight

  21. was wondering how long it would take shlara to chime in about pretty boy wright.
