Saturday, March 17, 2012



  1. celebrating my st patty's at a couples baby shower tonight. if the proud papa wasn't one of my favorite peeps in the world, i might be a tad salty.

  2. A lot of women sitting in the studio audience at the Bachelorette today look like they are auditioning for the show. And, surprisingly there are about 25 dudes here. Can't figure out why...theres basketball and a city-wide bar crawl happening in Charlotte today

  3. the 200 women there may have something to do with it

  4. Or the dudes are gay. It happens.

    In other news, I have not seen a minute of the tournament yet as I have been working my ass off. Not a minute of today's games, any minute of any game to date. Who the fuck gives out work at 11 pm on a Friday night? Or at 4 pm on a perfect Saturday afternoon?

    /end bitter tirade

  5. Holy shit, Zman. I have a template for a letter I need to give you. It begins, "To Whom It May Concern:"

  6. Hello apparently the President had a pint of Guinness at the Dubliner today. So there's that.

  7. zman, i was feeling pissed off that i have to grade "hamlet" essays sometime next week. thank you for putting things in perspective.

    we are off to a st. patty's day bbq for some late afternoon drinking, surrounded by many children. i thought that was old and lame, but rob's "couples baby shower" puts that in perspective as well.

    the glass is now half full.

  8. I just got to spend 58 minutes with my son!

  9. I can't reveal any secrets about the show. But I will say the The Muppets are awesome. And there was a real live Stadler and Waldorf pair sitting near us on the balcony. No heckling from them---both dudes fell asleep 30 mins in.

  10. I drank with my wife and my parents for 4 hours this afternoon. It was quite enjoyable. I knew I was lucky but all the tales of BBQs, baby showers & billable hours really drove it home. Things are good. My wife is now passed out and so is my daughter. For very different reasons. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  11. VCU is exhausted. They're up 4 but on the verge of a huge run the other way. Big trouble.

  12. Indiana, like Syracuse, seem spurred on by the "their guy is hurt so they're going nowhere" chatter.

  13. Refs in Kentucky / Iowa State game starting to lose control. Mostly based on crap calls only superseded by crap no-calls. But it's the only interesting storyline going, so I'll buy it.

  14. What's with Baylor's unis? Are the players directing traffic after the game?

  15. Digger Phelps designed them so they'd match his highlighter.

  16. Was there really a need for another American Pie movie?
