Sunday, January 01, 2012


That headache you feel is your body's organs compensating for the moisture they lost while you soaked yourself in diuretic alcohol by stealing it from your brain, causing the noggin organ to shrink and pull at the membranes attaching it to your skull. Drink some water, dummies, and have a Gheorghey New Year.


  1. Fitz is on pace for 502 yards this game. Can't wait to see how buffalo blows this. Can't wait!

  2. That's a pretty impressive way to lose, zman

  3. danimal - mason favored by 19 against the tribe tomorrow. go nuts.

  4. do people with real jobs have work tomorrow?

  5. Many folks not sucking on the public teat are indeed working, from what I have hear. With that said, financial markets are closed and I am not working.

  6. Have hear? I'm supposed to work every day. Any time off is a display of weakness. That said, I'm not working tomorrow.

  7. rob and I are heading to the Trobe/George Mason game with Shlara and KQ and others.

  8. I'm typing on my 2 year-old laptop, which has seen the S and space bar keys fall out. This thing has totally Santonioed on me.

  9. Best new verb of 2012. In other news, my prediction that the Jints had no chance tonight is swimmingly bad.

  10. And Dennis was right about Samuel smith winter warmer.

  11. I have no rooting interest in seeing the Cowboys lose. However, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.

    I too am off tomorrow. Though once the Gator Bowl starts I'll probably wish I was working.
