Monday, January 09, 2012

Pre-BCS National Championship Game Filler

rob claims to have a BCS National Championship post ready to go after lunch, so until this time, enjoy the wonder of the internet, and these two pics I found yesterday:


  1. OJ with a G-3? When is he gonna do a porn with Casey Anthony?

  2. has 40 DC-area dishes you must try. I'm unfamiliar with most of the offerings, but they did include my favorite sandwich at one of my favorite all-time joints. Yum.

  3. i've only had 6 of those dishes. guess i better get to work. after the cleansing, of course.

  4. From MGL today: "Towson hosts William & Mary in the game many think is the last decent chance for the Tigers to get off the schnide [sic] this year."

    Painfully true.

  5. hear me now and believe me later. towson is flat out terrrrrible. even their coach thinks they suck - he can't wait to get rid of these guys and get his own recruits in. if we lose this game, it'll go down as a the worst loss in a generation. i don't think we lose this game.

  6. For those wondering, the term schneid originates from gin rummy, where a shutout for the entire round is called a "schneider," much like the usage of "whitewash" or "skunk."

    The gin rummy schneider, in turn, comes from its Yiddish roots, in which a schneider is a tailor; hence, getting cut out of the point-scoring, like a tailor would cut cloth.

    Now you know.

  7. When I looked that up, I found this from

    Why is a pitch into the batter's prime hitting zone said to be "in the wheelhouse"?

    Paul Dickson, author of
    The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary, defers to the informed speculation of Peter Tamony, who wrote about the "wheelhouse" for the San Francisco Chronicle in 1959 and miraculously avoided a jail sentence in the process. Tamony suggested that batters "wheel" at the ball ("take good, level, 'roundhouse' swings") and that such wheels "probably suggested the word association, 'wheelhouse.'" Nautical buffs will note that the wheelhouse, or pilothouse, is the place from which a vessel is controlled. When a batter gets one in his wheelhouse, he is indeed the captain (i.e. in control) of the at-bat.

    And that's one to grow on.

  8. I can't wait for the Bucs to hire Marty and have him bring along his kid as OC.

    Then Mark and Greg can feel the same pain as the Skins fans on here...

  9. his kid was interviewed here in jax last week for head coach gig.

  10. Snoop:

  11. Sadly, Marty is the best candidate of all the possibilities I've seen listed for Tampa Bay. I'd take Marty. He'll instill discipline, and improve a young talented team that needs both improvement and added maturity.

    Brian Schottenheimer is a Gator and he'd have a better pupil in Freeman that Dirty Sanchez to tutor on the finer arts of QB play.

    Am I talking myself into Marty? Maybe. Am I happy about it? Not in the least.

  12. I'd agree with Mark that Marty is the best choice of the ones mentioned. I like Marty, and not just because he's coaching a local team here now. He was far better than his detractors in DC (including Danni Snyder) would have you believe, and he's 6th all time in wins.

  13. excellent - using the feminine 'i' for little danni starfucker. i like it.

  14. though the lady gtbers may take offense at being lumped in with that jackass.

  15. i played a lot of gin with my grandfather when i was a kid, and i loved the term "schneidered," as in "you just got schneidered." we played a penny a point and a dime a box.
