Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Flipped Out

Courtesy of FOG:TB Wheelhouse (R.I.P) Geoff, Ernie Grunfeld ended today's press conference announcing the firing of Flip Saunders as Wizards coach with the following words to live by:

"Just because you're losing doesn't mean you're a loser."

He left out the little known codicil, "Unless you're the Wizards, in which case your loserdom is self-evident."

This picture, taken two years ago, is the last known evidence of Flip Saunders smiling. Until today.


  1. danimal, to answer your question, jmu suffers from what i like to call the nuke laloosh syndrome. they've got million dollar talent and a bunch of five cent heads. i've never seen a less mentally tough team.

    that said, they'll probably hammer the star-crossed tribe tomorrow night in the electric zoo. which is neither electric nor a zoo.

  2. it used to be electric and quite zoo-like back when i was your height and moby dick was a tadpole. no five cent heads back then and no lack of heart. thanks for nuttin!

  3. how's mark doing? change any guinness-like poopy diapers yet? i expect another pregnancy within 12 months of today.

  4. I'm doing fine. Changed every diaper but one so far. Spent more time in the hospital (all the time since 11:30 Sunday night, save for an hour last night when I went home to let the dogs out) in two days than I have in 20 years and have missed two consecutive gym & basketball days which makes me feel like a slug. All worth it though. Wife is recovering from her c-section nicely and Maple is sleeping & eating well.

  5. Who let the digs out?

    Props for "codicil."

  6. Vagisil...Bardol...and if that don't work I put a little HalloPEENyo up my nose.

  7. Ernie's expression in that pic is priceless.

  8. When two guys in their 50's order lemon drop shots, are you allowed to punch them in the nutz on principle?

  9. Dave would say "no" as he is opposed to nut shots.

  10. what is a "lemon drop"?

    i am over forty. am i allowed to order a "yager-bomb"?

    this has the makings of a good post: age demographics and appropriate drinks. i will get to work.

  11. Jager-bombs are probably MORE appropriate for the older crowd, since you need the Red Bull to stay awake.

    Drinks are also gender-specific. Lemon drops, buttery nipples, fuzzy navels. Not for men.

    I've been drinking Cape Codders a bit of late, and this drink was somewhat parodied in a Steve Carell movie from last year. A little worried.

  12. vodka shot, followed by sucking on a lemon wedge coated in sugar.

  13. Igor, this line from the wikipedia page on the Cape Codder won't make you feel much better:

    The Cape Cod is related to a number of other well known cocktails such as the Sea Breeze (which adds grapefruit juice), the Bay Breeze (which adds pineapple juice), Sex on the Beach (which adds orange juice and schnapps), and the Cosmopolitan, which adds triple sec and lime juice.

  14. i would love to hear you order a "cape codder." have you ever ordered one in chatham?

    also, whoever recommended "little joy," thanks.

  15. I tend not to order them by name, trying to toughen them by saying something like "Stoli & cranberry." Doesn't work, you're still walking around with a pinkish highball. And the better the bartender, the less red/more pink it is.

    "You want an umbrella with that?"

  16. Also, I remembered the Steve Carell movie was Crazy, Stupid, Love, which was a chick flick that I quite enjoyed. I'll check back with you guys after cleaning up my appearance after jamming my head in the closest commode.

  17. Crazy, Stupid, Love was entertaining, although almost none of what takes place in it (including the dialogue) has any basis in reality. If you're willing to accept its alternate universe, you can enjoy the movie.

    In my opinion, there are no age or gender constraints to what you drink. Perhaps in the 1880's when everyone was obsessed with gold mining and manhood you'd have to down straight whiskey (too much Deadwood viewing by this guy). Analogously, you also wouldn't wear a pastel shirt or tie in that environment. In both scenarios, times have changed and it just should not be considered a priority anymore. Drink what you enjoy drinking, although you don't have to publicize to the bar or otherwise vocally celebrate that you are drinking a concoction that is 60% fruit. This coming from a guy that enjoys Kahlua and coke while watching Jeopardy.

    If the age/gender thing comes into play at all it is in the manner you order drinks or talk about drinking. Drinking is commonplace for most people in our demographic. It should be treated accordingly. I recall being at a work party and a man of 45-ish pointed enthusiastically to a group of three or four men and repeatedly yelled "SHOTS!!". It's like the football endzone - you've been there before; act like it. I think women of any age can get a little more excited about drinking, but at the moment I can't really deconstruct the reason(s) I find that more acceptable.

  18. Because its easier to get in a woman's pants if she's drunk, so you tolerate her otherwise unwarranted exuberance.

  19. Randy Wittman Era kicks off in 30 minutes for the hapless Wizards. And the losses will continue to pile up.

  20. The Bobcats are averaging 85 points during their current 6 game road losing streak. Anyone taking the under (or even the under plus 10 points) tonight?

  21. Old Chubb in a can makes working at 9:25 pm a bit more tolerable.

  22. Wait you're sticking your old chub in someone's can at the office? Does the Zwoman know?
