Friday, December 30, 2011

Feeling Froggy

We're only two posts from finishing the year with 365. Since we love round numbers and we really love filler, we give you African Bull Frog. Watch all the way to the end.


  1. Great game for Rutgers last night. Hope is alive for an NIT bid.

  2. Light a Quincy Douby in celebration.

  3. baylor had 777 yards of offense in regulation last night? dang.

  4. one of my resolutions for this year is to embed links rather than do what i've done here.

    a couple of you recall a girl i've referred to once or twice that lives here and who i sometimes end up riding with...the last few sat's i've seen her in our community doing 2.5 mile loops for 3/4/5 hours on end in preparation for the race she is enduring at this very writing. god bless her.

  5. that's just stupid.

    also, pics?

  6. wife's friend had a bacon-themed cocktail party for the ladies two nights ago, and there were leftovers. yesterday i had a maple/bacon brownie and bacon-infused whiskey. this morning, i had bacon/chocolate bark. things are good.

  7. i hope everyone saw kd's buzzer-beating dagger that beat the mavs last night.

  8. 2 beers + 1 scotch + 2 glasses white wine + 1 glass red wine + 1 glass port + 1 scotch + 4 beers = one giant hangover.

    Tough ending to massive steak dinner outing Zman , Dr Spector and I had last night.

  9. pics of what? halloween or the chic in that race?
    halloween pics were taken the old-fashioned way so they are not on my computer but i a drawer w/1000's of other stupid pictures.

  10. next up is a bacon infused dump.

  11. danimal, why would i want pictures of an event i attended and even vaguely remember?

  12. 7.2 mile swim – 336 mile bike – 78.6 mile run.

    That's outrageous. My question would be how long would it take a normal person to do that?

    I definitely couldn't do that over the course of a week. That would be 7 straight days of 1.03 mile swim, 48 mile bike, 11.2 mile run.

    Maybe over 3 weeks - .34/16/3.7 for 21 straight days.

  13. didn't want to assume you go....cute girl.

    jer - they have 60 hours to complete the race...naps will be a must...

    she'll probably spend about 21 hours total on the bike and the swim i figure will take her 3.5 hrs'ish depending on conditions/currents/yada yada...that's 1 full day right there for her. i'm guessing another 16-20 for the run. i know that's a wide range but how the hell do you predict that after 24 hours of exercise? so 44 hours with no rest....i'll say she rests/eats for a total of 10 hours as a guess - 54 hours is my prediction for her. good times.

  14. Whoa. From the looks of her, she could kick my ass in 7.2 seconds and not break anything close to a sweat.

    As a tribute to her efforts, I will drink for 60 hours this weekend, pausing to eat/rest for just 10 of them.

  15. yeah, she appears to rank slightly higher on the badass scale than i do.

  16. rob - don't sell yourself err, ahh....never mind.

  17. I've never understood how anyone has the determination to do a triathlon, let alone these extreme endurance events. Kudos to her.

    My recent extreme endurance event involved eating about 1.5 pounds of red meat with various fried/creamed sides and drinking what I once would have considered to be a nominal amount of bourbon and beer. Today I feel like ass. I will likely destroy my bathroom after lunch.

  18. According to the ESPN bottom line, Kevin Garnett has become a minority owner of the soccer club Roma. KG is following in the footsteps of fellow minority owners Jay-Z (Nets) and LeBron James (Liverpool).

  19. There's Too Many Bowl Games vs. There's a Bowl Game on TV Right Now.

  20. that shit's racist, jerry. why can't they just call them 'part-owners'?

  21. A bottle of what appears to be very fine whisky showed up at my door today, courtesy of Rob. Thank you very much, sir. I will get into it tonight.

  22. my pleasure - long overdue. it's a bottle of roundstone rye from catoctin creek distillery, which is about 10 miles from my house. they do tastings next time one of you is in the area.

  23. Danimal likes whiskey....sending address now telepathically.
