Sunday, October 30, 2011

Props for Today's Bills/Skins Game

The Bills and Redskins play in Toronto today at 1:00 pm and, based on the rooting interests of various G:TB editors, we decided to place a friendly wager on the game's outcome: losers pay the winner's bar tab at Tortuga's. We also included Teedge in the wager because it will be fun to drink on his dime if he loses.

Rather than base our bet on something as mundane as the final score, we came up with several Gheorghian prop bets. The person who comes closest to each prop wins that prop, and the person who wins the most props wins the wager.

Without further adieu, here are the props (who got da props?) and our respective predictions:

In a showing of typical tremendous apathy, neither rob nor Teedge chose to fill in their forms, opting instead to let Igor pick their prop predictions. And I won't be surprised if one of them wins.

For clarity: "reference to" means the number of separate instances of announcers mentioning the subject during the game. "Shots of" means to the number of times the person is shown on camera, except for "fans in X jersey" with means the total number of fans shown in a particular jersey. Igor and I will watch the game from our respective abodes and score as we go. We will resolve scoring differences in a manner that has yet to be determined. Feel free to join us in the comments and score along with us. If you want I can send you a table of the props in Excel so you can print and score yourself (or just open the picture in a new tab). I'm sure that's what everyone wants to do on Sunday -- score a wager in which they have no stake.

And because we are a leading source of Buffalo Bills blogging, we provide the following preview, which could be titled "Two of a Kind, Alternatively Titled A Tale of Two Titties." I say this not because typing "titties" makes me titter, but because the two teams are a nearly perfectly matched pair.

The Bills scored the 4th most points this year while the Skins allowed the 4th least. Conversely, the Skins scored the 24th most points while the Bills allowed the 19th least.

The Bills allowed the fewest sacks while the Skins recorded the most. The Skins allowed the 11th fewest sacks while the Bills are dead last in sacking the opponent. So it would appear that John Beck will have time to throw. But this plays right into the Bills' hands, as they have the 2nd most INT on the year while the Skins threw the 2nd most INT so far.

The Bills have the 8th most passing TD while the Skins allowed the 3rd least. The Skins have the 25th most passing TD while the Bills allowed the 17th least.

The Skins have the 18th most passing yards, while the Bills allowed the 24th least passing yards. But the Bills have the 13th most passing yards, while the Skins allowed the 7th least passing yards.

The Bills have the 8th most rushing yards while the Skins allowed the 11th fewest rushing yards. Conversely, the Skins have the 25th most rushing yards while the Bills allowed the 25th least rushing yards.

The Bills have the 4th most rushing TD while the Skins allowed the 23rd least (a noticeable difference!). The Skins have the 21st most rushing TD while the Bills allowed the 28th most.

Finally, the Bills' defense leads the league in takeaways, while the Skins offense has the 2nd most giveaways. Conversely, the Skins' defense has the 22nd most takeaways while the Bills' offense has the 7th fewest giveaways.

'Twould appear that the turnover stats favor Buffalo, but we're leery about the flukey nature of many of these turnovers. The numbers are simply too close to call, and the game will be played in a neutral site. The Skins are ravaged by injuries and John Beck is their starting QB, so in the end it seems most likely that the Bills will prevail. But I wouldn't bet on it.


Some donkey took the time to do this:


  1. In an odd twist of fate, Aaron Rodgers is on the bye and my backups (former skins Campbell and mcnabb) are hurt or benched and all I could scrape off the waiver wire is John beck. So I have a rooting conflict.

  2. Blaine Gabbert loudly motherfucked Brian Cushing a few plays ago. I'm officially a Blaine Gabbert fan.

  3. Greg gumbel just made a young Frankenstein eyegor call

  4. does 'john beck decides to dribble the ball' score any prop points?

  5. No. But I think you'll win.

  6. Scratch that. Teedge will win.

  7. Someone better tell Dallas they are playing Sunday night and not Monday night.

  8. We have a new worst refereeing call ever. Vick threw that ball FIVE YARDS FORWARD and the refs said it was a backwards pass. Unreal.

  9. So who will be drinking 24 ounce red stipes for free or did this end up like the Classic Rock Shootout with Igor leaving the notebook with the Teej?

  10. today is nick saban's birthday - no chance mark makes a satan/demon joke.

    also, hear me now and believe me later. tony larussa will announce that he's got some kind of shitty disease sometime in the next few months.

  11. Way to be morbid on Halloween, Rob.

  12. marls, nice classic rock shoot-out allusion . . . that was my favorite moment of obft 18.

    no gloating by the zman?

  13. worst replay decision ever - clearly down before the ball came out

  14. No one could manage a Halloween post today, eh?

  15. I couldn't even manage the SEC post I (semi)promised for last weekend. I blame the Cardinals for that, but still a terrible effort.

  16. rob's absosmurfly right about LaRussa, by the way.

  17. My guess is that Zman's not gloating about the Bills' impressive win because he lost the props bet.

  18. Right. Why didn't you give teedge "71" for all his prop bets?

  19. Igor gave me 34.5 for my prop bets.

  20. Dave, you should get one of your fellow science teachers to try this at your school.

  21. new post coming soon. honest.
