Sunday, October 23, 2011

Morning, Sunshine

By the time you soft Americans wake up, New Zealand and France will have battled for 80 minutes to see who claims the Webb Ellis trophy as the winner of the 2011 Rugby World Cup. Right-thinking people the world over are rooting for the All Blacks to take their first title since 1987.

One of these days, we'll get around to that top 10 all-time sports traditions post, right after the Chinese Democracy review gets done. I'm quite confident this will make the list:


  1. so, stanford vs the sec champion, then?

  2. Were they speaking English?

  3. stanford? probably. they're pretty smart.

  4. as for new zealand, they were speaking maori.

  5. Any of you Virginiaites have a suggestion for a criminal criminal lawyer in Richmond? I had a friend who got tossed in the tank last night for drunk in public.

  6. Old roommate from Jmu a criminal lawyer there... Feel free to friend me on Facebook? Or Rob or teej can get you my email address if you still need.

  7. Thanks D-Train. I reached out to the Teej for your email.

  8. I think daryl Johnston has a lot of stock in plaid.

  9. 7:56 AM and no MMQB!?!? Doesn't Peter King know that I have my oatmeal and coffee ready right NOW. Unbelievable.

    Screw him. And Don Banks, who doesn't have his column up yet either.

  10. I read Don Banks.

    I do not read Peter King any more.

  11. TR + coffee + oatmeal + remnants of yesterday's beer and sausage = ungodly stench in TR's office

  12. It was a great game, I watched it with some friends.
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