Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Celebrate the McRib, Help Sick Kids

The McRib is back, apparently, and I'm sure that more than one member of the G:TB staff/audience is eager to celebrate. You can do so by buying this McRib tshirt:

Available here. Before you cast aspersions upon my sartorial suggestions, know that all profits from sales of the tshirt go to Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Do the right thing for some sick kids (and your cardiovascular system) -- buy this tshirt instead of a few McRibs.


  1. Hoboken's finest sommelier looooooves the McRib.

  2. I figured as much. I also figured you would like a McRib, Teedge, if they make one with bacon in it.

  3. I find the McRib to be disgusting. Hard to believe, I know, but true.

  4. Used to love it, but now it makes me gag to look at it. The whole thing where they make it look like it has bones in it is an insult to nature.

  5. I love the McRib. It has pickles and onions on it, eliminating Tijay from the customer base.

  6. zman, please tell me you remember writing that sentence once before on SoD. because you did . . .

    didn't this happen recently at g:tb?

    a similar post with similar comments?

    this is going to get real ugly if we're doing this in our eighties.

  7. It happened with my TV theme song post, which was a re-run of Whit's TV theme song post. The commonality here shows that I'm losing my memory at an early age.

  8. I bet Marlin also enjoys the McRib.

  9. Maybe we can get a photo of Marls' thumbs locked onto a McRib.

  10. Guilty as charged. I love the McRib.

    As of last Monday TR and I work in the same building so we may need to do G:TB McRib event.

  11. You guys going to create a "30-Frat" in the work digs?

  12. Zman, this is the perfect custom for your son. It might not be too late to make it happen.

  13. Spellcheck got Squeaky on that one.

  14. Damn it. My eyes were crossed from reviewing a 839 page test plan. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

    Now, where is that 6th beer?
