Monday, September 26, 2011

Words for the Week

From Roger Ebert's memoir:

"I believe that if, at the end, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try. I didn't always know this and am happy I lived long enough to find it out."

Gheorghe approves of this message.


  1. I guess everyone is too hungover from celebrating the Bills' big win to comment.

  2. lot of ren and stimpy haters up in here

  3. Still love "Log, from Blammo" and "Don't whiz on the electric fence"

  4. Skins fans (or haters) - predictions for tonight? While several talking heads were saying that the Arizona game was a game the Skins would typically lose, I think this Dallas game falls more into that category. The factors for a huge letdown are all there - good start recordwise, lots of fan excitement/overreaction, Cowboys are much more banged up, Monday night game, away game. Given the injuries, I feel like this is their best chance to beat the 'boys, which is exactly why I think they'll screw it up royally. Either a really unsatisfying blowout where they aren't competitive from the start (Eagles Monday Nighter last year) or a more unsatisfying "Get down by 17, come back in second half to cut it to 4 before blowing the game in the final drive" scenario. If they manage to win this game I will be shocked, even though I think they should win.

  5. i think we're conditioned to expect exactly what mayhugh predicts. big litmus test, this one - are they the same old sorry ass redskins, or have they actually turned a corner? don't know why, but i think they win this one.

  6. Went 11-4 in a weekly pool with spreads. Five folks tied for first, we all took Skins +6.5. I took total of goddamn it Rex Grossman let's lose this one 24-23.

  7. skins are 3.5 pt dawgs...i like the skins. my gut is they win too. but gut not strong enough to put money on it.

  8. And your gut is also very hungry...

  9. Daren Gutschow joke.

    If he ever googles his name, this will bum him out. If I spelled his name right.

  10. great quotation from ebert-- i'm going to use that in class for something.

    another victory today for my stacked 8th grade soccer team-- twenty one kids deep . . . it almost makes me feel guilty.

  11. And the ominous signs keep coming - the broadcasters are joining in on some avid praise for the Skins, even saying grossman will be a top 10 quarterback this year.

    I have a very bad feeling about this game.

  12. They haven't watched Grossman like we have. They haven't seen all the batted balls and bad passes, poor choices and near-disasters.

    But mayhugh, all 8 of the ESPN crew just picked Dallas to win, if that makes it better.

  13. Highlights of the Skins-Boys rivalry through the years and no clip of Darryl Grant? Come on.

  14. i'm in a ruby tuesday in hopewell, va. i'm pretty bigtime.

  15. All 8 espn'rs pick cowboys who are only 3.5 pt faves. That's nutty and I will venture a guess that has never happened. Ever never bob dole says never.

  16. Finally some satisfaction after all of those years lobbying nfl and hank Jr. To sing mnf song in Spanish.

  17. Be sure to ask for the "Toe Jam"

  18. That Fast Times scene seems weird without "Moving In Stereo"... JC Penney cheaped out on the licensing?

  19. Why didn't they show the whole fast times scene?

  20. Kevin Barnes, welcome to the practice squad.

  21. Since Rex Grossman was a major part of some of my finest Gator football memories as a student at Florida, I'd really like to dispute Whitney's comments the last two weeks on Rex. However, even when he finished second in the Heisman race in 2001 he was always good for a couple batted passes and 3-4 terrible decisions a game. I loved the guy as a Gator, but he was/is maddening at times.

  22. Marty Schottenheimer coachescacteam in VA Beach? That's the best he can do? He can't even get a job in the ACC?

  23. Mark, I would love to eat my words on Rex. Right there he threw a near-disaster with no upside.

  24. Virginia Destroyers, Zman!! Undefeated!

    Yeah, I kinda thought the same thing.

  25. Can we get the Redakins some cleats? Something less banana peel roller skates?

  26. Now this here is a well-oiled 2-minute drill.

  27. this has all the makings of a crushing loss. Turnovers, blocks, bad decisions. They aren't getting away with this two games in a row.

  28. Big bright spot - Skins do not commit many penalties thus far in the season.

  29. that's more like it. Romo is clearly afraid of getting hit.

  30. Cooley looks fresh as a daisy tonight.

  31. Rob Ryan always looks like he's wearing a Halloween costume.

  32. Rob Ryan looks like Brady Murray after swallowing a VW Beetle.

  33. Ozzie Guillen to the Marlins. Odd.

  34. That was a personal foul face mask???!!

  35. Whit should've said:

    Ozzie Guillen a los Marlins. Extrano.

  36. Very weird to be on the West Coast and have zero sports to watch at 10 PM. It's bad enough it'll make you post drunken comments on a blog.

    That Skins loss was tough, but both teams deserved to lose. Too many mistakes. Grossman and Romo are very similar guys - cannon arms, lots of heart, lots of idiotic decisions.

  37. sorry about your loss last night people.

    the great thing about tuesdays is that lines come out. clemson 7 pt dawgs agains vatech at vatech.

    gators 3.5 pt dawgs against bama.

    that's all. thought it was interesting.

  38. The only negative reaction I have toward the game last night was that it was close enough to require watching the whole thing. Staying up till midnight for a loss just sucks. Other than that, result was as expected.

    Whit - just to clarify that all facemasks are 15 yards as of last year I believe. It wasn't much of one, but it was there. i thought the officiating largely went the Skins way, most notably the helmet to helmet hit on Moss during their second to last drive that wasn't even close.

    I really like Josh Wilson. Seems pretty undynamic, but usually has good position and a hand near the ball or in obstruction of the receiver's view.

  39. I know, mayhugh, but the refs tend to let many of the face masks they used to label "incidental" slide these days. Like if the players quickly lets go. I thought it was a passing graze, but I'm biased.

  40. Were either of those collapses bigger than the Mets from 4 years ago?

  41. I don't follow any baseball people on Twitter and everybody is tweeting about baseball. It's almost like natural disaster coverage -- everybody was watching some they don't normally watch at the same time.
