Sunday, September 18, 2011

An Unserious Post

From the minds that brought you Munchboxx and Stripper Bus, a new expose on the real impacts of our economic downturn.  College graduates in Ann Arbor find themselves with a plethora of unappealing professional options, including the one pictured below.


  1. i like the way tim hightower runs. i like rex grossman's pick-happiness a bit less.

  2. ryan kerrigan is all over the place

  3. These are the Jags I've grown to be apathetic about.

  4. i was on that campus at ann arbor! that tree was blocking an "m"! best party ever!

  5. What is the NFL record for balls batted down from a short, lousy QB?

  6. Z- I hope you appreciate David Nelson.

    Pretty happy I decided against betting Marls on Jags-Jets. Luke McCown is terrible.

    In Orlando for Atmosphere/Evidence/Blueprint show tonight. Psyched.

  7. FNL just won the Emmy for writing.
    So excited--that show deserves recognition

  8. The Falcons are giving this game away. The Eagles have gotten absolute gimmes the first two weeks of the season. I want to see them play a squad with their shit together.

  9. Most pussy roughing the passer ever called tonight. If a QB doesn't even fall down, don't call it. Refs hand the game to Philly. I guess we take solace that all those fans reveling in that call have to live with each other.

  10. Conversation in meeting I just left:

    First guy: "Man, George Allen is incredibly dumb."

    Second guy: "Yeah, but he's pro-business dumb, so we'll all support him."

    First guy: (long sigh) "Yep..."

  11. Excellent idea toll booths on I-95. It's not a tremendous clusterfuck to begin with right now, let's make it beyond brutal.

  12. zman, this is for you buddy:

  13. TJ, if you want new, modern, well-maintained roads, its probably the only way to get funding in this environment. I predict you will see exponential growth in the number of toll roads over the next five years. If there's a back end income stream, you can get the private sector to finance infrastructure at no cost the government...and it also has the upside of eliminating the "bridge to nowhere" type projects.

  14. I can't believe I'm going to use Florida as an example, but if VA does want tolls on I-95, they need to look into the electronic ones along Florida's highways.

    No physical booths...that would add to the already horrific traffic congestion on I-95.

  15. TJ, by the time this plan is up and running, where you are going, we won't need roads.

  16. True - six feet under is a pretty sedentary place.

  17. can we just legalize marijuana already and solve all our problems?

  18. in unrelated news, i'm really glad i don't have a baseball blog any more. i don't think the slow unraveling of my mental stability is something i'd care to share with the world.

  19. Yes...I choose to only share that will my family and coworkers.

  20. Nice Defense by the Sox. Remy not happy

  21. From the "no one cares about your fantasy team" file: I had a fucking tie this week. Ties suck.

  22. Just got busted gawking at one of the Burge twins in ATL airport. Still tall as shit that Burge twin,whichever on she was. She acknowledged me w a subtle yet evident quarter-smile. #isocouldhavetalkedtoher

  23. You VA/MD based non-Skins fans have got to be hating local sports talk radio today. Rex Grossman is Unitas times Baugh, in case you hadn't heard. And Roy Helu runs a 2.5 40.

  24. i had to look up "the burge twins" on the intra-net. i thought they would be hotter (and shorter) than what i found.
