Sunday, September 04, 2011

TV Month: Genius

Pity Pam Dawber. Between Robin Williams' coke-fueled scene chewing and Jonathan Winters' comedic brilliance, she wasn't left with much to do after Mork and Mindy jumped the shark. I still celebrate the show's entire catalogue - one of my favorite forgotten sitcoms. Nanu, all.


  1. a made it 71 seconds. far more awful than i remember. and how many books for whit? my guess was four, but (like excalibur) he might have just seen four of the movies.

  2. indeed, so terrible that it's great.

  3. Pam Dawber's husband? Why Mr. Freddy Shoop from "Summer School" of course.

  4. americans really aren't very good at passing batons

  5. Okay, so I'm back with the answer to the embarrassing trivia question. How many books of the 103 (or 105) that Dave listed as must-read have I read?

    [drum roll]

  6. One.

    One measly book out of 105. Pathetic. If you guess which one I will buy you six tacos and six beers.

  7. It's a pretty weird list. I suspect that only the most active readers (> 50 books per year) would get to 50 books on that list without trying.

  8. My guess is Slaughterhouse Five. I've read more than one of those books, and I've started reading many of those books but didn't finish them. If I didn't finish the book does it count? Sort of like leftover tacos.

  9. for no good reason:

    1st choice: bonfire of the vanities
    2nd choice: cannery row

    and zman stole a very good guess-- almost everybody's read "slaughter-house five."

    and zman, since my new year's resolution was to "eat MORE tacos" then shouldn't i eat leftover tacos, tacos on other people's plates, tacos i find on the ground, school cafeteria tacos, street tacos, and any other taco possible?

  10. also, just got back from the pool-- i was a proud participant in the greased watermelon competition. quite a scrum. sentence coming soon abotu it.

  11. saw an epic greased watermelon contest at my cape cod compound this summer. elitist america's finest pummeling each other for a solid half hour. can't wait to read about yours.

  12. Greased watermelon competition? White people are strange.

  13. just wrote the sentence while drinking my first beer of the evening-- it includes gay overtones and me kicking several friends in the ribs.

  14. you call it a compound? that is very white.

  15. Why should tomorrow's sentence be different from any other sentence?

  16. my guess is moby dick. his answer was the answer.

  17. so this wvu game also delayed due to weather. and apparently the michigan game last night was called early. wtf? last night's nd delay was the first in its history. 2 others in the same wkd. as barbarino used to's so weee-uhd.

  18. Danny O'Brien in a Gary Crowton-led offense** for Maryland tonight. Miami losing I think five defensive starters because of Nevin Shapiro shitshow.

    **This can be a good or bad thing.

  19. Instead of Golic and Greeny, ESPN2 has rolled Mike and Mike out today with Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith as hosts. I guess a 4 hour frozen picture simply reading "Don't Watch this Show" was too obvious.

  20. The only book on Dave's list that I heave read in its entirety is Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Suitably short and lively for my ADHD.

    I started but didn't finish seven books on the list, and I've read other books by a number of these authors, but having completed only one is pretty sad for someone with a college degree, especially someone who was an English major for several years.

  21. dammit-- i was going to choose that but then i thought it was too perfect.

    i think if you've read ANY book by an author on the list, it counts, because i made the rule that i would not repeat books by the same author and instead just arbitrarily pick my favorite by that author.

    but have you wrestled for a greased watermelon?

  22. This "any book by the author" rule smacks of leftover tacoism.

  23. I am still astounded by Zman's dogged persistence in claiming that leftover tacos don't count.

    And by the fact that in comment after comment about tacos, nobody is making lewd jokes. Where's the locker room humor?

  24. I'm actually agnostic about leftover tacos but I've never gotten such a rise out of Dave before so I'm beating the schtick into the ground.

  25. And how did you manage to graduate from a fancy prep school AND W&M without reading Slaughterhouse Five?

  26. I was on actual terrestrial radio last night, the coveted midnight, Sunday time slot:

  27. Mayhugh, this is what I tweeted at 8:15am:

    Good that Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith hosting "Mike and Mike"? Did I just turn to "Mike and Mike"? One cyanide colada, please

  28. I'll be damned...I finally looked at that Dave books list, and I've actually read two of them. I am shocked.

    I've almost read three if you count the Bible, what with all the times I've just started reading it bored out of my mind in regular mass or long-as-hell Catholic weddings.

  29. t.j is twice as smart as whitney.

  30. Adam Scott starting the final round with a birdie. Love him.

  31. the teej - tiqiq called out the premise of your sbnation piece (and by extension your wjfk hit). time to go nuclear on them.

  32. Is Tiqiq the guy who plays CB for Tampa?

  33. Ha, rob, you mean that facebook comment left on my post? I saw that...there was actually a SB Nation DC piece five days later not by me with updated info. Besides, going nuclear for something so minimal would be in direct opposition to the ethos of this blog.

  34. I am, however, attempting to create my DMV niche as the "midnight Sunday evening" guest.

  35. yes, the 'nuclear' thing was a bit tongue-in-cheek. we reserve that for important things. like mike love's asswipery.

  36. gtb mini summit this evening with shlara, kq, mr kq, and the kqlettes at casa kq. mr kq will be chiming in on our rugby world cup coverage. so we should probably get on our rugby world cup coverage.

  37. The 5 books on dave's list that I've read:
    100 Years of Solitude
    The Bible (for a class)
    Sex, Druge and Cocoa Puffs

    I also graduated from w&m without reading slaughterhouses 1 thru 5.

  38. rob, great stuff with you and your crew. although as the father of two girls, i hope it's the last time you hear your daughter ask you "daddy do you have my underwear?" at the end of a party.

  39. Seriously, those Terps uniforms look like somebody had a seizure in a fabric factory.

  40. i'm gonna go mini-contrarian on the maryland unis. i don't love 'em, but i don't hate 'em, either. i get the idea, but the geometry in maryland's flag isn't really conducive to making this work. need a color scheme with less contrast.

  41. Mini-contrarian. That's funny.

  42. i knew someone would like it

  43. here's mr kq's party mix for the evening: Newmix

    two paws up.

  44. Stock market set to get hammered tomorrow. Asia already getting beaten up and Europe looking like it will be a shit-show.


  45. so you're saying we should short something? can you tell us how?

  46. Mike Tirico just said "he's been money"

    Hey...seriously...happy Labor Day. Wishing you and yours the best.

  47. There's a joke in there about rob asking how to short something, but I'm too dumb to figure it out. I like Maryland's helmets but I'm not crazy about the sleeve things.

  48. Wozniachi woke up on wrong side of bed. She kind of looks like she could be rorys sister.

  49. Hey look, Danny O'Brien to Kevin Dorsey...

  50. Rex Grossman, eh? Wasn't Beck having the better preseason? Is there anyone in our fan base who predicts anything mildly positive with Grossman starting?

  51. Statistically, Rex had the better preseason. And Beck looked like a donk in the last exhibition game he played in. That being said, I was sure Shanahan was going with Beck. Pretty surprised with Grossman choice.
