Sunday, September 11, 2011

Memories, in Brief

You can find any kind of 9/11 remembrance you'd like today via your choice of media, so we won't belabor the obvious.  We lost fraternity brothers Mark Ludvigsen and Mike Edwards that crystalline blue morning, and my graduate school friend Chris Murphy, as well.  9/11 meant and means an infinite number of things to our nation and our world.  I choose today to think about what it means to Mark, Mike, and Chris's families. 


  1. Simple, yet powerful. Well done, rob.

  2. the hightower looking and sounding good

  3. hightower with a brilliant and moving tribute to lud - hope you guys saw that

  4. I happened to flip over to NBC just when Brian was delivering it. Awesome.

  5. just saw hightower on tv! he looks pretty good on my big screen for a squat guy with an over-sized head! so i guess i will watch the rest of theis match as a warm-up for the giants game . . .

  6. this usa/ireland rugby game is hideously ugly to watch. i don't think it's going to win over the non-rugby fan.

  7. Zman, your Bills are looking good. Must be the white helmets.

  8. Don't put the mush on them, they still have 7 minutes in which to lose.

  9. The 2011 Bills are the 1999 Rams reincarnated.

  10. I just got back to my hotel and the first play I see from the SKins is a defensive stop on 4th and 1. Where did THAT come from?

  11. How about that Rex Grossman?

  12. Skins fans...congrats. They looked like professionals out there today as did your cheerleaders. Grossman looked like an all pro....don't know the stats but he made some exceptional throws.

  13. giants=yuck

    losing steve smith and boss is crippling

  14. pretty solid 4th quarter for ted ginn

  15. Despite everyone's opinions about the new kickoff rules, at least three were returned for TD today.

  16. I don't know what it looked like in the first half, but the Skins pass rush was pretty consistent. I can't think of too many times in recent years that they've gotten a sack with a straight four man rush.

    Eli looked horrible.

  17. I incorrectly included the Cobb return as "today". But regardless, three KO for TD in one week is pretty crazy.

  18. The eagle-eyed among us will spot the TR's in his-and-her's Sanchez jerseys.

  19. is it cool to whine about fantasy football on 9/11? 'cause dez bryant is fucking killing me.

  20. It is an exceptional number, Z. Only the third time in NFL history.

  21. Tomorrow's buzz will be that the lockout had the biggest effect on special teams.

  22. The lockout, as a friend of mine in the medical field pointed out, will likely have the greatest effect in player injuries because of the shortened pre-season. Based on the Rams' first week, perhaps.

  23. That makes sense. More sense than my special teams idea. Multiple punt and kickoff returns this week, plus the blocked FG by the Skins and the blocked punt by the Jest made for a wild week. And there are still two games left.

  24. A bit upset I didn't contribute more to the 9-11 anniversary. But it hasn't been fun to be swarmed in the news flow all week.

    In other news, the Jets game was out of control. Lots of big plays, lots of fights, and a happy ending. The anthem of the entire Jets nation is this tune. I heard it about 69 times from every car in the lot.
