Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Worst Song You Will Hear Today

This is hip hop "phenomenon" Rich Hil, also known as Tommy Hilfiger's spoiled son. He is a 21 year-old kid who just got signed to a record label. He likes to rap feebly, brag about smoking pot and show off bad tattoos. He also has problems keeping his blunt lit for the duration of his music video.

Note to aspiring hip hop stars: If you're gonna keep it real with a blunt in your video, make sure you have a guy in your posse who can roll one that will stay lit for four minutes. It ain't hard. So I have heard.


  1. stevie had a pretty solid round today.

  2. This kid stole Mickelson's tits. And this video made me laugh out loud.

    Remember when I said that rapping involves at least a modicum of singing ability? This song is exhibit A. Just turrible.

  3. "I'm raw like chicken breast"

    Possibly the worst simile ever.

  4. Holy crap, was that bad. And he looks like Ronald McDonald after a few years on the crystal meth.

  5. What labeled signed this kid? I need to know so I never by music from it.

    I think he rhymed home with home at one point.


  7. Two sentences in, and I want him to be run over by a steam roller:

    This past Saturday, Rich Hilfiger stood across the street from FAO Schwarz smoking an American Spirit as he texted on a white iPhone. He wore camo pants, a Rolex, combat boots and a black tank top from a ZZ Top tour that took place in 1990 (the year he was born), which barely covered his knuckles-to-neck tattooing.

  8. Sonically, Rich’s songs are a mix of hip-hop crooning and Lil Wayne-inspired growl rapping. It’s a style he’s developed over 10 years, when his infatuation with the lifestyle began in Greenwich, Conn.

  9. This douchenozzle is so compelling. Glad to see I'm not the only one who finds the trainwreck fascinating.

    You can find him on twitter if you're so inclined.

  10. just watched the horrific "video"

    he does have some boobs for being an otherwise relatively lean 21-year old...odd

    that bitch is hardcore yo. am trying to imagine him attending a soiree in the hamptons as his dad introduces him to the likes of martha stewart and jerry seinfeld.

  11. David Feherty looks like hecwas styled by the salvation army.

  12. I can't stop thinking about how ridiculous this kid is. I wonder if he drew inspiration from "Bamboozled"?

  13. i would suggest he was more inspired by the Birdman, Chris Anderson, than by a Spike Lee movie.

  14. And I bet he hangs out with B-Rad from Malibu's Most Wanted.

  15. With all his money, couldn't even get an original beat? Awful, but fascinating as well. I have so many questions about this idiot.

  16. here's my take on that "music" "video."

    sounds like beck if he actually was a loser.

    or should that be "were a loser" because it's the subjunctive tense-- like "if i were a rich man."

    one for the grammar police.

  17. he looks like the joker. and he sounds like the jokee.

    danimal, i had lunch today with upstanding winchestrian ronald shields. he's worried that you're getting too fit.

  18. Ronnie is a funny little man. I'm trying to think of somewhere real cheap you could have and probably did eat today. the park?
    I'm a hog compared to this time last year when I was in training for my Ironman event, one of the most grueling endurance races known to mankind.

  19. Gabbert looking pretty decent. Would have some pretty solid stats if it were not for incompetent receivers.

  20. Football! Project runway! Jersey shore! A schmorgasboard of tv riches.

  21. You forgot to mention the republican debate.

  22. I thought Gabbert looked good too. When he had time, he was pretty accurate. Tavaris Jackson on the other hand...

  23. it is unfathomable to me that tavaris jackson remains employed in the nfl
