Thursday, August 04, 2011

Fair and Balanced

G:TB's editorial staff has had its issues with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. For starters, what kind of name is Chris Christie? And his education policies spurred one of our heretofore apolitical team members to minor political celebrity. Generally speaking, we're not fans. But unlike too many of our elected officials, G:TB is not afraid to praise those with whom we disagree when it's warranted.

Christie's vocal defense of his appointment of Sohail Mohammed to a Superior Court judgeship should be required reading for members of both political parties. His refusal to kowtow to the pernicious bigotry that passes for patriotism in many circles right now deserves a hearty huzzah.

Now go fix your school system, big fella. You don't want Almighty Yojo making up songs about you.


  1. holy shit-- this move by christie has generated some really racist commentary from his republican tea party supporters-- browse around the internet a bit and see. far harsher stuff then i ever said about the guy . . .

  2. Looks like the market has finally decided to price in the fact that the economy is a steaming pile of poo.

  3. Hear, hear, Rob. A few more stories like this and the tea baggers will be modern day George Wallaces.

    And if you haven't heard the Drive By Truckers' "Three Great Alabama Icons," you should at least once. It's one to grow on.

  4. how are you referring to wallace?

    as a segregationist? or as a third party presidential candidate who had the pulse of the disenfranchised white voter, with promises to leave vietnam and increase medicare and other benefits. really interesting third party run-- i read all about it in this great book called "nixonland"-- which i highly recommend.

  5. marls, i'm shocked that the market responded in this manner to a plan to cut federal spending in a weak economic climate. shocked.

  6. on the bright side, i have to fly in two weeks. let's hope the faa is still fucked up like a football bat.

  7. What's a football bat?

    Did he just say making fuck?

  8. that's my favorite winchester redneck colloquialism. nearly as good, 'fucked up as a tennis helmet' and 'working like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest'.

  9. yes. those were all born in winchester. don't forget:
    -busier than a one-armed paper hanger
    -hornier than a 3-dicked billygoat eyeing a bowling ball
    -hotter than a 2-petered puppy

    and many more that can be shared at a future gtb summit

  10. I am a fan of "fishing for corn-speckled trout," especially when you're "backed up like 4th of July traffic."

  11. In other news, former Bill/recently signed Bengal Donte Whitner clearly loves losing.

  12. i learned "sweatin' like a whore in church" and "as anxious as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs" from the winchester boys.

  13. hotter than a far cracker on the 4th of joo-lie....and twice as long.

    rainin like a cow pee'in on a flat rock

    winchester's cool

  14. fucked up as a polock's checkbook

    sweatin like a polock tryin to read

  15. Rob,
    I'm not sure the "cutting" of federal spending is really doing all that much to cause this correction. Even while the politicians are agreeing to limited cuts over 10 years, the fed is still fushing the system with cash and QE3 is looking more and more likely. Additionally, any fear of reduced federal spending was likely priced in weeks ago. I think there is something more broadreaching causing this reaction.

    In the end, the market is all about perception, and I think the perception is that the US economy has stalled, our throw money at it solution has not worked, we are deeper in debt, and we lack the political foresight or will to make the hard choices necessary to correct the economy.

  16. i was really just going for a gambling at rick's sorta thing, marls. i completely agree with your point about market perception. last week the market thought that maybe congress had a shred of competence. now the market knows the truth.

  17. If you spell it "polock," does that make yours the dumbest nationality there is?

  18. And it can't handle it. The truth.

  19. Chris Christie... the name evokes thoughts of similar dupes:

    - Robbie Robertson: awesome rock n roller, but generally considered a dick.

    - Rod Roddy: the late voice of "Come on down" on The Price is Right. Friends with the TPIR bandmembers as well. Fairly flaming. Died of colon and breast cancer.

    - Bob Roberts: fictional poitician. A bad end.

    - Richie Rich: all young boys want to be him, all older women want him. Pretty much a little pussy.

    - Willie Williams: executed for murdering people. Not good.

    - Pete Peters: Total fucking Nazi cloaked in pastor's robes. Possibly worse than Willie Williams.

    - Steve Stevens: Billy Idol's guitarist. Used a toy ray gun in "Rebel Yell." Pretty cool dude.

    - DJ Robbie Robb: rap name of a certain G:TB founder.

    Okay, with the exception of the last two entries, it's a bad road to head down to go with the double name.

    ------ Igor Igorsky

  20. How could you forget Doug E. Doug's seminal work as Coffie Sanka in Cool Runnings.

  21. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but you are one dumb Pollack

  22. Polack. It's Polack, idiots.

    It reminds me of the time in my last job when the company owner was telling me to falsify resumes by adding degrees, showing me an example of one that had a Master's in Education from Notre Dame. Notre Dame doesn't offer a Master's in Education, you moron. I am not going to play along with that crap, but I feel like if you're going to be ignorant, at least do it intelligently.

  23. It should be Polock. Seriously.

  24. While Polack may be the generally accepted version of the slur, Archie Bunker used two l's. Trust me...I went to school in Queens.

  25. "if you're going to be ignorant, at least do it intelligently"

    not certain, but i think that may be michelle bachmann's (w&m jd '88) campaign slogan.

  26. Marls got his JD at Princeton so I suspect his spelling of the Polish slur is accurate.

  27. Don't forget Cam Cameron. One of the most spectacularly awful NFL head coaches in recent memory. 1-15 season. Drafted Tedd Ginn on the top 10. Followed that up by taking John Beck in the 2nd round as his franchise QB. Fired after year 2.

  28. Adam Scott leading at Bridgestone. Which means more camera time. Which makes me happy.

  29. I didn't know Rob had a brother but there he was this morning, working out at the same gym as me. 5'3", Red Sox t-shirt and Redskins hat.

    Also, Rob bought the entire "12 inches of Snow" album last night. For shame.

  30. i'd never wear two different teams' gear at the same time. so gauche.

    and i bought '12 inches of snow' 15+ years ago. just admitted it to scott van pelt last night.

  31. Are you sure it wasn't Starner? Klosterman's essay on th football HOF stole at least three ideas directly from my brain and articulated them better than I ever could. Bastard.
