Monday, July 25, 2011

A non-Zman post

So I was reading an article the other day where someone was extremely fired up about visiting the Sesame Street set. It got me thinking...if I could have any TV set of all time as my permanent residence, what would it be...and it sure seemed like an open Gheorghe conversation to me.

So, hopefully, it's OK someone other than Zoltan or Almighty YoDave posted, because I present to you my top four choices. And eagerly await your responses in the comments.

4. Barney Miller - I'd get annoyed with all the desks, but to have the opportunity to hear Abe Vigoda whine for hours on end is worth it.

3. Golden Girls - The kitchen that embraced Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and Sophia would be a welcome respite.

2. Kramer's apartment...with the Merv Griffin set inside - I mean, come on. You'd have Japanese dudes sleeping in your dresser, and a talk show in your living room? Sign me up.

1. Taxi - Louie De Palma. The Reverend Jim 'Iggy' Ignatowski. Tony Danza starting his tradition of only playing guys named Tony. The untouchable Andy Kaufman as Latka Gravas. Can't be topped, in my humble opinion.


  1. As long as Jack Soo didn't make the coffee, I'd be up for Barney Miller. I'd love to banter with Lt. Dietrich.

  2. Wow...a G:TB blog post that brought G:TB twitter followers in.

    I like.

  3. Cheers. Sitting next to Cliff Clavin for the rest of my life will surely make me smarter.

  4. I would take the Silver Spoons mansion, especially if it came with a Dex Dexter I could order around.

  5. magnum p.i. hawaii + ferrari + those shirts = wicked awesome

  6. I second danimal on magnum. True Blood would be good too, lots of topless women.

  7. Erin Gray in her prime makes TR's suggestion an interesting one, but I think if I am going down thout path I take the Buck Rogers set.

    Teej, how does 1st and 10 not make your list?

    As for sets I would least like to spend time on, I think would go with Too Close for Comfort.

  8. Dukes of Hazzard. I could easily spend my days evading Roscoe P Coltrane and Boss Hogg.

  9. Marls: this is not the forum for your Jim J. Bullock fetish.

  10. Silver Spoons is pretty good call.

    I also like the idea of living in the Cosby's brownstone in Brooklyn.

  11. Teej, I believe that was the Merv Griffin set, not Ed Sullivan, right? Either way, though, that would be enjoyable.

  12. "Least" TR. However, if I were to have a JJR fetish, I think I would choose to observe him during his seminal comedic work on Hollywood Squares.

  13. And speaking of "Taxi," did we acknowledge the recent passing of Bobby Wheeler on G:TB?

  14. Soooooo...what particular set from Magnum makes this list? Higgins' living room?

  15. sportsnight has some allure, especially if natalie comes with the set.

    and the peach pit after dark might be good for a few laughs.

  16. Joe E. TaTa will have none of this...

  17. Lots of foreshadowing in this post.

  18. then i'd live in the quantum leap set, which is basically any place at any time in history.

    c'mon danimal, you're cheating.

  19. different strokes penthouse. i'd flip that thing and buy fantasy island.

  20. then baywatch. lifeguard station.

  21. essentially, i work inside the set of welcome back kotter.

  22. How bout Gilligan's Island? I can see Igor going with Three's Company so that he can become a regular at the Regal Beagle.

  23. man u staying in hoboken tonight and tommorow night before game with red bulls if anyone wants to come and ogle the hunky soccer stars. I will be the guy in the lobby with the Aston Villa jersey waiting to lob insults at Chicharito or any of the rest of the overpaid devils.

  24. Michael Jack - they staying at the W?

    I wish I could bet on things like "Rooney will get herpes from a cougar he picks up at Lua."

  25. Now that I think about it, I'm going with the Love Boat. New crop of washed up but still attractive actresses each week, tropical ports of call, and Isaac your friendly ship's bartender always ready with a drink.

    Only drawbacks are Ted Mcginley and Charro. Coochie Coochie.

  26. really had high hopes for maple/brown sugar chex. disappointing.

  27. i just got an email from bruce allen and mike shanahan. how'd those assholes get my address?

  28. Will Hill got it from me. Gave it to them. Sorry.

    Will Hill...yeah, enjoy that.
