Friday, July 22, 2011

If this video had muppets it would be the ultimate Gheorghe post


  1. Simmons has an embarassingly long wrestling article up on Grantland. I can't believe I read almost half of it.

    His omission of the Road Warriors' playing of Ironman as their entrance music is beyond inexcusable. His lack of knowledge of their early days dents his credibility when it comes to 1980's wrestling knowledge.

  2. in somewhat of a reversal, andrew sullivan posted the beastie/muppet video *after* zman did.

  3. I think Teedge posted that muppet video.

    Are you trying to say that my yootube posts are late, sloppy, and derivative? They are.

  4. no, my friend. i'm saying that mine are - i steal a lot of stuff from andrew sullivan. i expect that there's not a lot of intersection between the two readerships.

  5. I'm always sheepish/goatish when I post videos of Gheorghe because I fear they were already posted here before.
