Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Flag Day

And God Bless America.


  1. No airbrushing there at all. Not one bit.

  2. Any of you DC folks have any insight on US open tickets at Congressional? Are the Trophy club tickets worth an additional $35 bucks?

  3. Marls...if weather perfect, I wouldn't bother. If hot or chance of rain, buy.

  4. I'm glad to see we're back to form.

  5. Marls, all regular session tickets sold out over the weekend. StubHub I guess?

  6. Dan, thanks for the info. It is going to be 90 with a chance of thundershowers, so I may consider it.

    Teej - Yep, I am stubhubbing or ticketbrokering depending where I can get a better deal.

    Heading out there on Sat. Any G:TB'ers going to be there too?

  7. That chick might be air brushed times a trillion, doesn't mater. Every time I come back to the page I am happy to see her eyes.

  8. I agree, if by "eyes" you mean "tits."

  9. Joba the Chamberlain sighting in my building! In my elevator bank, no less. Dude looks big in person and doesn't look fat at all. He was wearing a t-shirt showing his inked-up arms. He looked like a dude you wouldn't want to fuck with.

    He was going to see his insurance guy. I guess he doesn't use State Farm like me.

  10. that's 2 reported "brushes with fame" this week alone, not counting buckle's 18 holes of golf the other day w/john cooper of osu fame. gtb'rs and fogtbr's are cool.

  11. He only invests in ethanol.

  12. exactly. ethanol is cool too.

  13. Marls--I was at Congressional for practice today. Lots of people there, so I can't imagine what the weekend will be like. Greens are more restricted than they are for the AT&T. Not sure teh tents offer you anything you can't get with the regular people--unless its hot, they have A/C.

  14. Thanks Shlara. Given the forecast, I went for the tent.

    If anybody wants to meet up, I will be the drunk bald guy wearing the "who farted? t-shirt.

  15. Marls - I'd rather you wore a "Nudist on strike" t-shirt, like I saw on a fat guy today in midtown. Made me laugh out loud. And I'm thankful he was on strike because he was obese and probably wouldn't have looked very good naked.

  16. Looks like Rob's been hitting the veggies and bourbon again.

  17. let's go bruins! clap clap clapclapclap

  18. It is an exciting competition fur shur.
    More impressive is the game caller. Heh.

  19. I think its time for Geico to lose the caveman ads. And speaking of ads....all you snazzy dressers need to get on the Paul Frederick introductory offer of the $19 white dress shirt. A few extra bucks and you go w a personalized monogram...."gtb" for example. Offer only good thru 2016.

  20. My life will soon be unbearable unless the Canucks muster 4 goals in 20 minutes.

  21. it's almost as if boston sports fans are spoiled

  22. patriots' 7-year championship drought is the longest of all boston major sports franchises. that's absurd.

  23. Yes....absurd in a very satisfying kind of way.
