Thursday, June 30, 2011

Best Dad? This Dad. Worst Dad? Same Dad.

Not sure where to begin with this one. Let's just say this clip straddles the line between loving speed metal and blatantly disregarding your child's safety.

Conclusion: Metal > Baby (to this dad, at least)


  1. Those speakers look like there are straight from the 90's. And from the guy driving the van around saying his boss messed up, gave him extras and would you like to buy them cheap.

  2. how did you find scott macdonald's home movies?

  3. Squeaky - that's exactly the guy who sold JP his Stonehenge speaker setup.

  4. Anyone watching federerer? Against ropes.

  5. And now down. 1st time ever being up 2-0 and losing. Mental game has been served some pretty big blows.
    Nadal being interviewed by gussied up chris Evert and Hannah can see the moistness.

  6. OK. Just saw today's paper. I guess federer lost yesterday which all of you were likely aware of. No need to comment on that. Thanks.

  7. A

    Hey danimal, guess what, we caught Osama Bin Laden.

  8. People need to stop falling from W Hotels and dying.

  9. that video is funny for twenty seconds then goes on for an uncomfortably long time, a long enough time for that kid to learn to read-- i love it but that kids going to have brain damage by age three.

  10. That kid's receding hairline is the least of his problems.

  11. NBA Lockout is a go...good thing I actually like baseball.

  12. And when is first college football game?

  13. 9/3 games of note:
    jmu at unc
    w&m at uva
    app state at vatech
    south fla at nd

    boise state at georgia
    oregon at lsu BING BONG!

    and tulsa/okla could be decent. who the hell knows at this point?

  14. I don't think anyone else ever said that Tulsa Oklahoma is decent. A dump, yes. Decent, no.

  15. how have i never seen gruden do one of these one on one's with quarterbacks? watching him with terrell pryor. this is spectacular television.

  16. I'm not sure how you missed those Rob. He did 4 or 5 leading up to this year's draft. He even did one with Nick Fairley. I could never quite figure out why.

  17. I bet rob didn't know about federer either.

  18. rob -- you're watching too much soccer.

  19. That's because he's a pervert. Anybody else off today. Mmmm, 4 day weekend.

  20. i was aware of gruden's pre-draft shows, just never bothered to watch. mistake on my part.

  21. Interesting (to me): The only place to watch Copa America live in English is on Youtube.

  22. I will expect an in-depth preview of Wrens/Cavs as we get closer to the game date. I like the alma mater's chances again this year. Lots of guys coming back, UVA still in the infancy of building their program bak up.

    Mark (and anybody else who cares) - decent, but not overwhelmingly good, brief summary of Klitchko/Haye on Grantland. I'm looking forward to this fight, and I generally hate heavyweight fights. Haye is fun to listen to, his brashness bordering on the absurd with his cockney accent. He has experience fighting monstrously huge boxers who like to hold a lot (he beat Nikolai Valuev, the 7 footer). Wladimir has a lot more power, and more punches to throw (if he chooses to throw anything but jabs and the occasional straight right) than Valuev, so will be interesting to see. I think Klitchko wins in his normal boring style but if Haye can box slick I give him a chance and it might even be entertaining.

  23. not off today and will likely have to work a wee bit on monday. am still licking wounds after a mid-week 2-day bender.

  24. mayhuge -- is the fight pay-per-view?

  25. Djokovic officially becomes #1 in the world by making it to the finals. If he wins the finals, he will undoubtedly be the #1 in the world, with 2 grand slam titles this year. That makes Federer only the 3rd best. Hard to believe.

  26. Z - it's on HBo, thought I think it's a weird time (afternoon?) for us because it's taking place in Europe.

  27. I just realized that many of our summer interns graduated from college in 2009, which means they are 13 years younger than me, which means that I appear to them the way a 50-year-old appears to me.

  28. you're old as shit.
    kind of like the other day speaking with a young kid that works with us. told him i saw u2 for the first time in '87. his response - "that was the year i was born"

  29. i meant to say that you're old as sandwich.

  30. 2 good video posts in a row....just got around to watching children's hospital. much audible laughter.
    who is still at work?

  31. well awright awright

  32. I am driving to Knoxville, TN from SE VA in a car with four kids. There's needing a beer and then there's needing a beer. Plenty of them waiting for me in Vol Land, but I may need to apply a road soda primer.

  33. I've been at home for 2 hours, drinking bumpers of Samuel Smith's India Ale and Red Stripe.

  34. So I just learned the term "Mouse's Ear" because we passed a billboard for the gentlemen's club of the same name in Johnson City. (irony) I googled it and found multiple definitions in the urban dictionary -- all colorful. My favorite was the one that included the helpful addendum -- "the opposite of a clown's pocket."

    You learn something every day!

  35. spent the day in provincetown. kids learned some new stuff, some to be posted for your amusement tomorrow morning.

  36. Along similar lines, during an impromptu G&W session a colleague described a woman as having J.Y.P., which, upon further questioning, was established to be an acronym for junkyard pussy.

  37. zman, i bumped your post to sunday. we've got a strong to quite strong holiday weekend lineup. quite unlike that of the red sox, who are starting drew sutton in left and losing to the astros.

  38. Did Rob just try to casually pull rank on Z? What a dick.

  39. I like how he's building the suspense for the long weekend. We better have good material.

  40. i just chased a fox out of my yard. it was trying to kill my neighbor's cat. fucking wild kingdom here on cape cod.

  41. saw a bunch of them this afternoon
