Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I bet President Obama reads G:TB

President Obama has a very Gheorghean approach to Donald Trump: he doesn't take The Donald too seriously.


  1. Seth Meyers also killed it with his 20 minute speech.

  2. that's good stuff. barry having a good week. saw only a few min of seth...trump yesterday said he didn't do a very good job, called him a "stutterer". a few weeks ago he also said there weren't any good golf courses around chicago.

  3. Does anyone else get a visual of Oceans 11 when the reporters talk about the special ops team practicing the OBL raid over the last few weeks in a specially built masion replica?

  4. Trump's hair looks like Mark Kelso's helmet.

  5. if he had any other hair style i think he'd get a lot of attention due to the color of said hair. a close up reveals a pee in the snow type of hue
    he's such a f'ing clown.

  6. Seth Meyers entire bit was gold. Trump sat their looking pissed and Meyers destroyed him for about 10 minutes straight. And then Meyers ripped apart everyone else, including Obama. It was great stuff.

  7. i can't see this at work, but i have breaking news on the consequences of the bin laden assassination over on sentence of dave.

  8. The shots of Trump sitting stone faced on CSPAN while Meyers ripped him were classic.

  9. More Beasties news.

    Great remix of the Beasties. 23 minutes of it. All the new and old stuff.


    Even has a clean version for those with prudish bosses.

  10. I got a laettner here at firehouse subs....w pics bc I am that dbag

  11. i need to read about this osama thing-- i don't know any facts about it, like dry runs in a mansion replica. i wonder who gets to move in to the mansion replica now that this is all over?

  12. Trump plans to turn the mansion replica into condos.

  13. with a golf course. and it will be the best in the world.

  14. Where the hell are you going that you need to shave and drive at the same time?

    At it's a lady and it's where you thought, you dirty old man.


  15. hey-- obama had a pretty good delivery there.

    i've eaten fifteen tacos since last friday-- 3 at the mexican place friday night, 6 green chorizo tacos last night and six more tonight-- left-overs. i don't eat rice or sides or anything, just tacos.

  16. Dave, I highly recommend that you make your way to hoboken some time and try the Taco Truck tacos. only a block and a half from the PATH. Very good tacos.

  17. just introduced my kids to the magic of sandler/farley's 'lunch lady land'. i expect to hear from the principal tomorrow.

  18. i am interested in all taco related trips. and the greasetrucks do not sell tacos . . .

  19. Sloppy Joe, Slop, Sloppy Joe...

  20. Always good times to watch a guy try to close out a no-no.

  21. And almost as fun as watching the no-hitter is looking at Bobby Valentine's hair. And Sutcliffe's awful goatee isn't far behind.

  22. Liriano is on my bench along with his 172 points.
