Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Culture Up Your Ass Tuesday

Martin Mull once said, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." I'm a sucker for genius in all its manifold forms, but in keeping with Mr. Mull's advice, I'll let this video about dancing, architecture, and music speak for itself. Enjoy Yo Yo Ma and Lil Buck as they interpret "The Swan" by Camille Saint-Saens.


  1. Breakdancing never ceases to be fucking awesome.

  2. I like how we broke the space-time continuum with this post.

  3. A little background music for a "Culture Up Your Ass Tuesday" Wednesday:

  4. Here are are the track listings for the album.

  5. Is this a subliminal advert for the black Red Sox hat?

    And the world needs more of this culture.

  6. Wait an NBA player would really do this to his head? It's got to be fake, right?

  7. i love asparagus. i ate a shitload of it yesterday. this was awesome.

    until this morning when i sat in a meeting in a stuffy government office wearing a suit and sweating like the teej running a mile. i have the asparagus stink upon my person.

  8. Where were they when they shot this? It looks like it's on the patio during some sort of fancy party. At least, that's what I hope - I would be severely disappointed if I found out Yo Yo Ma didn't bring his cello everywhere just in case such an opportunity presented itself.

  9. Yo Yo Ma brings both his cello and some cardboard with him everywhere he goes just in case someone wants to start popping and locking to Brahms.

  10. remember when we used to summarize youtube posts for the youtube imapired?

  11. Minor correction on the previous post, the OTs are not golden goal format. They play the entire 30 minutes even if a goal is scored. Good job otherwise though.

  12. The NFL draft is indeed today, Jerry, and we have an atrocious amalgam of a post queued up for the event. Normally I would go to your blog for draft insight because, and I say this without any sarcasm whatsoever, you and Geoff do a great job breaking stuff like that down, but, and this next clause is dripping with sarcasm like rob's asparagus-scented sweatsuit drips with sweat, you guys don't publish very frequently so I haven't been over there today to see what you have to say about the draft.

  13. And this is exactly why you need to write more ... what is a golden goal, and what makes it different from other goals?

  14. And I just realized that today is Wednesday, which means the draft is not today. Just another example of my shoddy sports coverage at G:TB.

  15. I actually thought that golden-goal meant they play all 30, although it never made much sense.

    Is there ever sudden-death in high-level soccer?

  16. yes- when a columbian kicks the ball into his own goal...

  17. Oh yeah, today is Wednesday. I guess I'm reliable for knowing the rules of soccer, but not so much for knowing what day it is. Regardless the it feels like draft hype is running at about 25% of its usual recent level.

    There was a period, I think in the early 90's, when they did use a Golden Goal in several competitions. Then they got rid of it and went back to playing the full 30. No idea why either change was made.

  18. rob actually has a draft post ready to go for tomorrow...

  19. royal wedding this wkd. the dolts scheduled it the same wkd as apple blossom. ha! idiots!

  20. I hung with Yo Yo Ma some months back. Well, I watched him play and then I met him at the post-performance reception. I've had more access to fancy-pants music superstars like him lately than... makes any sense, but I can say without hesitation that Yo Yo is the most congenial, least arrogant, coolest cuke in the bunch.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled comments about 69, weed, hip-hop, and Jorge Posada.

  21. lumpy deserves props for his comment. shame on you guys.

    also, are we still saying props?

  22. Is that really Lumpy? Or Marls disguised in a Lumpy suit?

  23. On the subject of Colombia and (the other) Escobar, I strongly urge you all to read Killing Pablo by Marc Bowden (author of Blackhawk Down and some other great non-fiction books). Amazing deep-dive into the breadth and depth of Escobar's power.

  24. Second. I don't read books, but have actually read that one, and it is great.

  25. is that how it works, tr? you 'strongly urge'?


  26. I only read leaflets, like "Famous Jewish Sports Legends".

  27. Did Lt. Weinberg read the Escobar book too?

  28. I was gonna say "strongest white" but I wanted to appeal to all among our vast constituency and avoid confusing anybody.

    Few Good Men gets worse and worse with every viewing (yet better and better on the unintentional comedy scale). I think I actually thought it was decent the first time I saw it.

  29. Golden Goal refers to a goal scored in a sudden death overtime format. It basically ends the game before time has expired.

    The powers that be, FIFA, got rid of it because teams would just sit back and play for the shoot out, fearful that one mistake would cost them the game. And it was deemed to make football (soccer) more boring to the regular everyday yahoos who only watched the World Cup and various other big time championships (really European ones). By getting rid of sudden death overtime they thought the pace of the game would increase. It really hasn't and the excitement that one team could end it quickly has vanished.

    The reality is probably more to do with money. More TV time = more revenue.

    The more you know ...

  30. The was the real Lumpy, or at least not a Marls create faux Lumpy.

    I love the Whitney/Yo Yo story. Not because of any facts contained in the story, but rather because I had a bout of AWL thinking of YYM posting on Itzhak:The Blog about the time he hung out with a guy named Igor who drank an entire case of Natural Light.

  31. igor's yym meet and greet adds to the total of the g:tb family's interactions with famous people. not counting politicians, who some of us bump into because of our proximity here in deecee (and the numerous basketball players shlara and kq met when they were groupies...i mean, worked for the bullets/wizards), we've met:

    gheorghe: the guy
    lebron james
    yo yo ma
    scott miller (yeah, that scott miller)
    kevin durant
    mike brown
    lou holtzthth
    bob costas

    who else - i know i'm missing a ton?

  32. My awkward shared elevator ride with Larry King at the Kennedy Center...

  33. clint dempsey is now the all-time leading premiership goal-scorer for fulham.

    i've never met him.

    but i have met dave "it's in the net!" johnson.

  34. igor and dave met phil donohue.

  35. I met Beasley Reece when I was 6 or 7.

  36. I've met a bunch of randoms in my day (not counting Gators who later went pro I met while at UF):

    Nate Archibald, Roy Jones, Jr., Chuck & Wesley Person, Mohammed Massaquoi, Xavier McDaniel, Rolando Blackman, Nolan Richardson, Hub & ?uestlove of The Roots, Bobbito Garcia, Jarvis Hayes.

    There's a few more but I'm not willing to dig much deeper in my memory at this point.

  37. Jennifer Garner briefly stalked me during the summer of 2006.

  38. nate archibald! sweet.

    i met tim finchem, john feinstein, justin leonard, curtis strange, mark mccormick, russ cochran, david duval, and kirk triplett when i worked at the late, lamented michelob championship.

  39. Will leave it at Jack and 41 who I caddied for while playing with Arnie.
    50/50 shot at meeting Huizenga tomorrow a.m.

  40. I have not met him, but I just added someone called Darwin Barney to my fantasy baseball roster, mainly because I'm into natural history.

  41. I've also met Ben Stein and Sugar Ray Leonard.

  42. Who the hell is Darwin Barney?

  43. For the metal heads in the crew.

  44. I'm sorta friends with SNL's Bobby Moynihan and indie singer/songwriter Josh Ritter. That's all I got.

  45. And I got drunk with Dave Moore at a wedding once. He's the ex-TE from the Bucs in the 1990's and aughts who had a phenomenal 15 year run in the NFL by learning how to be a long-snapper late in his career. He is a great guy.

    I also attended a NY Eve party in 2003 at a weird cafe in Soho. I was with my current wife and another couple. The table next to us had Ric Ocasek, Paulina Porizkova, their two kids and two assistants. The place got very crazy late night and we may have engaged in papal elections a foot from their kids.

  46. It's the real lumpy. Since I'm not working from home anymore my random gheorghe drop ins have been less frequent.

    Anybody making it to jazzfest next weekend?

  47. Shlara and I could certainly tell a few tales from 'back in the day' but we're way too discreet for that. Although I'm sure you'd all love to hear about what a dick Michael Jordan was when our paths crossed. I'm too tired and lazy to list the rest but greatest highlight had to be meeting Arthur Ashe at Wimbledon '87. And sometime, somewhere else, perhaps I'll share the story of when Otis "OJ" Anderson of NY Giants fame put the moves on me.

  48. Prior to the Bullets/Wiards days, I met some big TV sports people as a kid: Howard Cosell, Madden, Summerall. Keith Jackson joined us for Tgiving one year.

  49. The NBA playoffs are FAN-tastic
