Sunday, April 24, 2011

214 Dunks

Today is Easter, which makes me think of Jesus, which makes me think of Jesus Shuttlesworth, which makes me think of Ray Allen, who lately makes me miserable, but what isn't miserable is my resurgent interest in the NBA, which brings me to the following filler video compilation of all 214 of Blake Griffin's dunks this season. Griffin's kinda like Jesus because he came back to life in 2010-11 after his basketball career appeared to die when (1) the Clippers drafted him and (2) his knee cap broke in the Clippers' final preseason game. So while you spend the day celebrating Christ's resurgence, rejoice too about Blake Griffin's Lazarusian rise from the basketball dead. But please do not exalt when Jesus Shuttlesworth scores today against the Knicks; he's just a guy who was paid to pretend to be Jesus, he isn't really Jesus himself (or Jesus Himself for that matter).


  1. Saw the title and immediately thought 214 Drunks. This is going to be a great Easter Sunday post. Disappointed in the true topic. Now where is my bloody mary.

  2. Garden seems like it would be a fun place to be today. Too bad the Knicks are guaranteed to lost this game late.

  3. Hell of a finish taking place in Hilton head

  4. U hockey guys....spent the better part of day w Darby hendrickson who is a friend of a friend....ever hear of him?

  5. dude's name is darby, huh? i've only ever heard of one dude with a gayer name.

  6. Haven't heard of him. But looks like he's with the Wild coaching. Hockey guys are usual cool guys to hang with drinking beers.

  7. Will pass that along rob. Playing golf w him Tues. Played 10 yrs and an Olympian in 94. Probably gay, despite the hot wife and 4 kids.

  8. You're right, Dan.No dude with a hit wife and kids has ever been gay. Just like there was no way Tiger was fucking around on his wife.

  9. Make that hot wife. He probably hits her too though.

    Gilbert's looking spry tonight.

  10. If the Hawks win this series, the Magic need to bounce SVG. He can go back to his job as a manager at Chess King.

  11. Just found out Peter Frampton was in Humble Pie. Trying to decide how much I should care about this (if at all).

  12. Frampton nearly ruins 30 Days in The Hole with the first 25 seconds, but aside from that, I'd say it's a wash.

  13. first day teaching after spring break. if i wasn't a man, i'd cry (and you'd cry too!)


  14. i have a sleeve of oreos on my desk with 6 cookies inside. the serving size is listed at '1 package'. this seems gluttonous.

  15. anyone have a ratty old pair of underwear with a fly that refuses to lay flat, meaning that your junk keeps popping out and roaming around while you walk? no? me, neither.

  16. you're wearing underoos aren't you?

  17. how else would i know what tie to wear?

  18. and i just saw whitney's comment. i see he assumed that i meant to imply that his name was gay. he may or may not be correct.

  19. Does this have anything to do with your little thing for Avril Lavigne?

  20. I'm with Robbie on the problems caused by zippers. I have a couple pairs of work pants whose zippers pitch a tent when I sit down, so it alwasy looks like I have wood when I'm at my desk chair. Pushing down the zipper tent only makes it look like I'm trying to deal with my boner. Catch-22 situation for sure.

  21. Thanks for sharing, Yossarian.

  22. Zman can attest that I have been talking about this since 2002 (SWF):

    It's like a ballon on a straw.

  23. listening to a cut off the new beasties record - it's got a prominent sample they've used previously. i'm not sure how i feel about that.

  24. rob's underwear = leather underoos. tight! there's probably a pic of a little squirrel head on the front.

  25. Yes, TR started mocking a potentially hydrocephalic child almost a decade ago.

  26. If any kid can take some mocking, it's little Kidd and his zeppelin-shaped head. The kid is a teenager with a multi-millionaire Dad. He's probably the most popular kid in his class and he's probably following in his Dad's footsteps by sticking his wiener in every lady he can find.

  27. don't we all follow our dad's footsteps in that latter regard as youngsters, though? some just more successfully than others.

  28. Looks more like a dirigible to me.

  29. TR's zipper problem is eerily reminiscent of a classic episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Good times.

  30. sure looks like the nfl owners are about to get bent over by the players. five years of best laid plans to the winds.

  31. how the fuck does jim tressel still have a job?

    bruce pearl

  32. The Grizz looking great tonight. The Battier-Thabeet trade looks very smart right about now.

    Would be awesome if the Lakers and Spurs both fell in Round 1.

  33. Darrel Arthur just had the most amazing sequence of his young career. Blocked shot -> alley oop throwdown. Spurs promptly called timeout and the Memohis PA announcer promptly started playing Tag Team. I'll let you guess the song.
