Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Madness

In case anyone was wondering what Greg's been up to lately, his exploits have garnered more than 700,000 views on YouTube.


  1. Nate Dogg died? Sorry rob, but when I get to work we're having new filler.

  2. Looks like Warren G's gonna have to shelf his plans for the reunion tour. I just poured some (coffee) out for the man.

    Owsley Stanley then Warren G. Who will be next?

  3. I mean, Charlie Sheen is minute-to-minute, so...

  4. he plays the meat whistle too that guy....

  5. Upon watching this video, it can stay up.


  6. This video is Igor-approved.

    And I love this song, too. I'm never gonna dance again. Guilty feet have got no rhythm.

  7. In other musical news.....I know there's no love lost for The Strokes by some members of our staff (for legitimate reasons, I suppose) but I'm 3 tracks into their new joint, and you should give it a go. Drops next Tuesday, but you can stream it from their website now.

    Uh oh....Track 4 just crapped the covers....well, I'm happy to eat my words if Duke, The Cuse, Pitt, and Notre Dame make the Final Four.

  8. What's the least productive workday of the year?

    Day after Thanksgiving?
    December 23 (if a weekday)?
    Day after the Super Bowl?
    Or is it, as I believe, the full-moon convergence of St. Patrick's Day and the first full-fledged day of the NCAA tournament?

  9. I can hardly contain myself right now...and nobody at my place of employment can understand why. I think i need more Sergio Flores.

  10. my office just ordered maggiano's for lunch. i'm not held personally liable for the food coma that will follow, am i?

  11. What kind of programming does TruTV usually broadcast? I have never watched this network until tonight.
