Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Today is truly a day for celebration...

Wait, you havent heard? Yep, get your party hats and dancing shoes on, because today is...

National Banana Creme Pie Day!!! Yeehaw!!  To celebrate, please watch this extremely unfunny clip from the Dana Carvey show:

Oh yeah, I also heard it was Dave's birthday. Whatevs.


  1. Drinking my first abita amber. Tasty. Thanks gtb.

  2. we don't know much, but we do know alcohol.

    and filler.

  3. Yes, we do know alcohol. Two days in to the honeymoon and I've consumed more in two days than I generally do in a week. Time for dinner...and then more alcohol...hi yoh!

  4. Your third wife will enjoy your sticktuitiveness.

  5. i'm a big fan of troeg's amber hopback amber and all of the stoudt's beers-- i'm trying to buy local, but jersey beer is TOO local, so i go with PA.

  6. if i drive down to obft again, i will bring some.

  7. i've enjoyed several of the beers from yards in philly, and concur on the troeg's.

  8. Apparently tattoos are taboo here in the BVI, so I'm an even bigger freak than usual. People are staring at me all the time, and a waitress just came up and rubbed me arm today because she "thought I'd feel like a snake" today. Whatever, I've been half drunk the whole time so I don't really care.

  9. Um....Is twitter broken or am I just an idiot?

  10. Don't think I mentioned this but the wife bought me a new iMac as a wedding present. Holy shit is that lady great...

  11. Mutant Planet is the best show on tv you're not watching.

  12. That is until I release the footage of Greg from my wedding reception.

  13. Enjoy the NIT, Gary Williams.

  14. Do you think Brandon Davies will include the SportsCenter clip about how he got kicked off the BYU team in his college highlight reel?
