Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This guy here is dead. Cross him off, then.

Our midget editor told me we needed to post something today. I imagine you're all sick of us touting VCU, so how about some baseball....season starts Thursday, I will be at the Nattys home opener, a businessman's special...so what the heck, how about a look at the hometown nine (it ain't pretty folks):

OK, well, have fun with that. Bernadina just got sent down. We'll be back tomorrow with useless filler.


  1. Hey! Adam LaRoche is my starting extra corner infielder!

    Stupid Kendry Morales and his stupid falling down at home plate mean I need some insurance to start the year.

  2. This pitching staff is laughably bad...Livan Hernandez would probably be a #5 starter on most teams and he's our ace. Double yikes.
