Sunday, February 27, 2011

Perhaps the Greatest Music Video In All of Recorded History

I haven't posted in a while (I'm working on something extra special in the music department) but this video is too priceless not to share. Heard the song yesterday while rapidly stuffing my face at Five Guys, and I couldn't get it out of my head, so I looked it up in order to learn it on guitar. It mesmerized all that's inside of me . . . now the sunlight bores the daylights out of me . . . all I want to do is sit inside and watch Mick Jagger parade around in gray pants that may or may not be made of parachute. You must also appreciate Jagger's matching shirt, and hard rockers Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood crooning "Doo Doot Doot, Doo Doot Doot."  Your welcome.


  1. geoff is on fire with his oscar-tweeting. already laughed out loud twice.

  2. What's up with the random boob shot around 44 seconds in?

    And Trombone Shorty kicked Galactic's ass Friday night.

  3. Good timing b/c I'm reading the Keith Richards bio. Only up to mid 70's so far, so no parachute pants references. Ronnie Wood's not even in the picture yet.

    It's a good read if you want to hear a guy talk about coke and heroin unlike anybodye else ever has.

  4. Sitting in the Ft. Lauderdale airport drinking a Blue Moon waiting on the flight to St. Thomas (final stop is Tortola but that's via ferry). Wedding weekend was awesome and there are a few fantastic stories (a couple of which involve Greg, shocker i know). Once I'm settled in I'll be sure to relay them to you guys. You won't be disappointed.

  5. TR - I nearly picked up that book here in the airport a little bit ago. Should I go back and grab it? I love stories about drugs...

  6. Greg is also married? FL state troopers involved (fingers crossed)?

  7. I think you can pass on the book. The first 100 pgs tell you waaaaay more than you need to know about his family and childhood, and it drags on a bit with intricate details of guitar tunings and chords. I didn't care about a lot of that stuff b/c I don't play guitar. And the hardcover weighs about 20 lbs. It willl hog your carry-on.

    But that said, there are plenty of good drug anecdotes, including Keith making fun of John Lennon for not being able to handle his drugs (especially heroin). And the opening anecdote from the 1970's about being arrested in the Deep South with a car filled with drugs is right out of Fear & Loathing.

    So I'm not being that helpful, I guess.

  8. the book picks up...finished it a month or so ago...had a hard time putting it down after early bio is truly amazing he is still on this planet.
    mark - i'd probably pick it up if you're a trip reader and have nothing

  9. Greg McElroy was a Rhodes Scholar finalist? Color me impressed.

  10. Things I didn't realize until today:

    Duke and UNC have won 7 of the last 20NCAA Men's Basketball titles.

  11. pour one out for southeast jerome

  12. wowzers!

    i wonder if geico knows about this.

  13. That's great news for all the Chewbacca fetishists out there!


  14. i can only imagine what her....uh....nevermind

  15. nice use of the hashtag, tr

  16. Whatever. My shoulders are much hairier than hers.

  17. Charlie Sheen is already the highlight of my honeymoon.

  18. There's another Charlie interview tonight, right?
    /please say yes
