Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mos Awesome

I really enjoy the Decembrists. I really enjoy Yo Gabba Gabba. The Decembrists recorded a new song for Yo Gabba Gabba, entitled 'The Great Outdoors'. And I can't for the life of me figure out how to embed it.

So enjoy Mos Def as Super Mr. Superhero. And wait patiently for tomorrow's mind-blowing episode of G:TB: Worlds Colliding.


  1. Tomorrow's episode will be, in the immortally douchey words of Jim Rome, "EHHHHHHPIC".

  2. I wanted to like Yo Gabba Gabba, but I found it to be annoying as hell. It tries way to be hard to be "Brooklyn cool." The musical guests are decent, but the characters are brutal. I'll take Feist and Katy Perry on Sesame Street over Elijah Wood and Jack Black on Yo Gabba Gabba.

    And what's up with Muno? Dude looks like a giant penis (complete with one eye).

  3. note to self, no more yachting trips off the cost of east africa

  4. any of you clowns heading to houston next month for hoops? buckles and i will be in attendance....please advise

  5. what is "yo gabba gabba"? it sounds like a ramone's song.

  6. it IS derived from a ramone's song!

    but i still don't know what it is.

  7. I rightfully take a lot of heat for my lousy bitter attitude. How does TR manage to avoid the bitter tag? He just hated on a children's TV show for trying too hard to be cool, and in so doing hated on Brooklyn.

  8. we all just figure tr's drunk

  9. DeAngelo Williams is Carolina's all time leading rusher with his 4211 yards and 31 TD. That seems improbable. The Pats should sign him.

  10. So zman is bitter we're not bitter at TR for being bitter too?

  11. Yes. That's my point exactly.

  12. It made sense to me. Then again, I'm pretty bitter as well.

  13. Zman - the difference is that I responded to somebody's comment and pointed to evidence (character shaped like a dong). And trust me, children's shows can be annoying as hell. That's not a bitter man speaking. That's a dad speaking.

    If I was to write an unsolicited missive about hating Time Warner or talk about hating that my grandmother hates when people talk on cellphones at the supermarket, well that would be in the Zman zone.

    You (and Juan Carlos) will always be the Kings of Bitter. I am merely the Duke of Grumpy.

  14. What are you, def?

    No, I'm HiTek. He's Def.

  15. And, in further defense of TR, that one character really does look like a dong.

  16. just bet the teej $1 at 80-1 odds that the orioles win the world series this year. feeling good.

  17. Why would you two even bother discussing, much less making, a bet like that?

    Oh right, because you're idiots.

  18. Rob's phone is dead. I'm supposed to comment...

    Anyone know where Cartier Martin went to college?

  19. By the way, the "where did (blank) go to college" game is my absolute favorite for the NBA. Probably because I dominate.

  20. Mark, one of Pacers assistants was on '96 Kentuckt team...guess?

  21. Jeff Foster - Vandy? Iowa St?

    By the way, he must have serious back issues, because he hasn't sat on bench for a moment this game...

  22. Kudos to Shlara for hooking rob and I with pre-Wiz tix and Wiz tix

  23. Jeff Foster's college is slightly under the radar.

  24. may 6th/7th...up here at the tpc sawgrass....jesus christ celeb event. i mean, tim tebow. urban will be here. muschamp. scott van pelt which is HUGE. you heard it here first mark...also, gruden, herby, adrian peterson, scott hanson. actually playing valley course which is kind of lame. i heard if playing stadium he was going to hit tee shot and walk across the pond to the green.

  25. Rob, is the missing "e" from Decemberists for "esoteric"?

  26. Danimal...you hooking me up with tickets?

  27. no "hooking up" needed...they're only $12.50 and will be in abundance....proceeds go to "needy kids" or some bullshit like that

  28. Oh, it's for needy kids? I'm out then. Fuck those freeloaders.

  29. no, it's for 'ear' as in 'fuck you in the ear'.
