Friday, February 25, 2011

Mark's Weekend

So apparently, with Greg by his side ("Greg, you gotta move chief, the bride needs to stand there"), Mark is getting married this weekend. Once I hit "publish post" I am hopping in my vehicle to drive to Florida as Greg's +1. Danimal, see you at the reception.


  1. Hoping ain't gonna get you to Florida, The Teej.

  2. And congrats to Mark. Weddings are enormous pains in the asses, but you can get drunk there and get away with anything. And honeymoons are the tits.

  3. Got pretty drunk last night. About to deal with the some pain in the assery. This is all starting to sink in...

  4. Don't think about it too much, Mark. Best not to absorb the gravity of the situation. Definitely don't contemplate how four of the 10 contributors on our blogroster are divorced.

    In all seriousness, have a great wedding weekend, very best wishes, and I'll buy you a congratulatorty shot or 5 at the next G:TB Summit.

  5. Both the comment and the divorce.

  6. Who is the 4th divorcee? Zman, Whigor, Teej (?) and somebody else?

    Pardon my rudeness, but I thought I knew you clowns.

  7. As G:TB takes on politics, I need a blog-wide consensus on two things:

    1. How the f do we spell the Libyan leader's name?
    (a) Gaddafi
    (b) Gadhafi
    (c) Qaddafi
    (d) Kadhafi
    (e) Khadafy
    (f) Get-offy

    Seriously, this guy has so many names he should be a G:TB writer.

    2. However you spell it, the guy is looking pretty haggard lately. He reminds me of some other gnarly dude who's not holding up well in recent years, but I can't place it. Bob Dylan? Geoffrey Rush? Gene Simmons? Does he kind of look like Ron Jeremy???

  8. And that's just his last name. The TV in the elevator has his first name as Moammar.

  9. Anyone else pumped for the Jeff Mangum ticket sale at 11?

  10. tr, i believe both whitney and igor are divorced.

  11. How is it that Qaddafi has been a dictator for forty years, but he's only a Colonel?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Mark, congrats on the big weekend. Just remember "Yes, dear" and keep drinking.

    Off to see Trombone Shorty and Galactic tonight. And yes, Zman, I'm waiting for Mangum tickets to go on sale.

  14. Greg: Harlan Sanders fed delicious original recipe and extra crispy chicken and to people all over the world for 50 years, and he never rose above Colonel, either. Fucking bullshit.

    It's the system, I'm afraid; sometimes it keeps successful men (like these two peas in a pod) down.

  15. Galactic kicks ass ... I think you (Squeaky) first told me about them. I scored 2 tickets to Mangum. The pre-sale for the Jersey City show starts at noon today on ticketfly.

  16. And Zman's got a TV in his elevator. Well, la-di-frickin-da!

  17. Groomsmen are already drinking. This is going to end badly.

  18. congratulations mark! my advice for you is this:

    doing the dishes=sex

    mr. truck divorced one of his wives last year, but took on three more wives, so does that count?

    i am teaching my ass off today-- there's nothing like starting "hamlet." i even wrote some stuff on the white-board.

  19. How come in the movies when a guy bursts in and stops the ceremony and the bride decides to marry him instead, the church is always still full of people? Wouldn't approximately 50% of the attendees storm out after their friend or family member the groom just got unceremoniously dumped? Even if he's an asshole (which he always is)?

    Mark, if this happens to you, encourage your people to leave with you.

  20. Galactic is fun, but the enjoyment you get out of their shows increases exponentially as you accelerate your narcotics intake.

    So I've heard.

  21. mark - congrats. and good luck.
    is the reception by chance in orlando? if it is, i'll be there. i'll be whoring our companies' services throughout the wkd.
    whit - i hear ya on khadafi...have always wondered what the deal was w/that AND al quaeda; al queda; usama; osama; wuwt?

  22. And by the way ... congrats Mark. Once again, for you:

  23. A little heads-up for the NBA fans out there: Knicks-Heat will be on ESPN at 8 PM on Sunday. Assuming the Knicks roll in Cleveland tonight, they may have some momentum heading to South Beach.

    And you already missed out on getting a seat on the Knicks bandwagon. That filled up in a hurry over the last 72 hours.

  24. I don't think you'll see an application for Knicks bandwagon membership from Rob. He's been using expletives to describe his feelings for the franchise for 20 years.

  25. the last 10 years or so have been really nice. they've sucked so bad they've been hard to hate. as a consequence, i've transferred my disdain to little danny starfucker.

  26. On the topic of the Knicks, here is an amusing time waster of a web site:

  27. My interpretation of Rob's sports disdain, at least historically, and always subject to change:

    1. Yankees / Steinbrenner / their fans
    2. Knicks
    3. U of Richmond
    4. UNC basketball
    5. Eagles & their fans
    6. Auburn
    7. Cowboys
    8. Peter Angelos
    9. SEC teams besides Alabama
    10. UVA
    11. Buddy Ryan
    12. Mets
    13. JMU (no offense, Danimal)
    14. Any team that warms up to Smashing Pumpkins, Collective Soul (who?), or Counting Crows

    I know I left some out. Rob used to be exponentially more bitter than the lovable guy he's become in the last 15 years or so, so there was a whole lot of venom to go around.

  28. how does dan snyder not make that list, and damn near the top?

  29. nick young can score, but the rest of his game is fairly useless.
