Monday, February 14, 2011


On this day 40 years ago the one and only Gheorghe Dumitru Mureşan was born...

Look at how excited he is to celebrate!

Fun Gheorghe Birthday Fact of the Day:
Ghita is one of only five NBA or ABA players to ever sport #77. And he is by far the coolest of these dudes...


  1. Anyone else wondering why the 1949 Indianapolis Jets had two #77s on their team?

  2. They were traded for each other in the middle of the season. Back then, teams didn't have enough money for lots of jerseys, so Blackie was just assigned the 77 jersey as it was the only number available.

  3. I fucking hate Jake Voskuhl. That dude hung around the NBA for far too long.

  4. TJ--Gheorghe's Bday has given you a day's worth of twitter material, huh?

    And Rob, love the song "Question"!

    Don't know how to comment on these items on Tiwtter, so commenting here...

  5. I think we need a "FoGTB" twitter tutorial...

  6. Hey Whitgor! Time to bust open the piggy bank...the Mets are for sale!!

    "A lawsuit against Fred Wilpon and his associates claims the Mets owners reaped $300 million in profits through Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme. Seeking an infusion of cash to deal with the lawsuit, the Mets announced that a 25 percent stake in the team is for sale. 'Outside the Lines'' T.J. Quinn reports there are now serious doubts about whether the Mets owners can remain in charge. "

  7. my wife is taking the kids to swimming and i am going to crack open a beer and read "war and peace" on my porch-- i can actually SEE my porch, the snow has melted!

    polar plunge this saturday in sea isle city-- weather should be decent . . .

  8. Thanks, KQ. Keep "the other" TJ cranking away on that investigation. We thought the news was bad when we were hearing that the Wilpons had lost a bunch of money to Madoff. Then we get word that they made money off the scheme. Nice.

    In truth, I don't think anyone in Mets Township will be sad to see the Wilpon era draw to a close, if it happens.

    Now, why couldn't Danny Snyder have gotten involved with Bernie Madoff??

  9. Dave, what variety of beer goes best with Tolstoy?

  10. And I'm on work travel this evening -- eating at the bar of a popular sushi restaurant in Tysons Corner. Valentine's Day. 120 couples, plus several of the biggest rejects and misfits on the planet. Including me.

  11. One weeknight TR and I decided to go to Friendly's for dinner in the Burg. Not sure why, we never went to Friendly's but I suspect we both wanted burgers and sundaes. On our way in we saw this guy from our freshman hall (the fencer I think) with his girlfriend, and a Moke with his girlfriend, and when they seated us we were across from Chris Smith and his girlfriend. We said hi and he said hi back, and throughout the meal he looked at us and laughed. We were used to that, but on the way out he noted "I think it's sweet that you guys took each other out for ice cream on Valentine's Day. It takes a lot of balls to be openly gay." We noted that we appreciated his open worldview and left feeling more toolish than normal.

  12. Teej -- March 4 and 5 at the Arlington Cinema N' Drafthouse . . . yes . . . Gallagher. Live. You gotta.

  13. that garnered a nice laugh z.
    who paid? and who "received"?

  14. Gallagher is no longer smashing watermelons. Bummer.

    Fans of Marc Maron's WTF podcasts can hear an aborted interview with Gallagher, who is a very very very bitter old man these days. He was as big as any comedian in the 80's, but time forgot him and he never got a sitcom or big movie to cash in on.

  15. That dinner was a low point. Two dudes totally oblivious to the fact they were going to a sit-down dinner on V-Day.

    And it wasn't the fencer. It was Rolen, who's middle name was Zanus. Honest. It was Sam's freshman roommate. He and Sam were a great pair. A harworking underprivileged minority from Richomnd and the guy on the golf team. We used to get drunk and storm into his room and play the "Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'" song from the Blues Brothers soundtrack to him. He LOVED that.

    Sorry for telling a story half of you don't understand.

  16. Don't worry about it TR. G:TB was built on stories and references that few people understand or relate to. It's our niche.
