Friday, February 04, 2011

G:TB Super Bowl Coverage

The Super Bowl is our second favorite Super thing. (After Super Grover, natch.) So we dispatched one of our favorite correspondents to cover the festivities. Her first report follows:

Where are you watching the game on Sunday?

I’ll be here:

Watching him:

Coaching these guys:

To win their 7th one of these:

And will be sending dispatches to G:TB throughout the weekend.



  1. embarrassing moment of the week. drove to so. fla. monday w/coworker/female - took her roll-away bag out of back and set on ground at which point something turned on inside first couldn't tell if it was her roll-away or computer was the roll-away. my first response was - what do you have in here, b/c i was too slow to realize what it likely was. she played it off and thought, or acted as if i was referencing the weight of the bag. it kept "buzzing" all the way to check-in at hotel. i played it off like i didn't hear it, as did she.

  2. That's one crazy electric toothbrush story.

  3. time to get g:tb's super bowl predictions on record. i like the pack, 27-21.

  4. wait-- this story needs more detail. was she hot?

    i don't care if she was hot or not, just lie and say she was really hot.

  5. and shlara-- i hope it sleets in dallas and jams up that retarded retractable roof.

  6. also, if you google "gheorghe taco meat," we come up very high on the search list. very high.

  7. wicked hawt...she looks like the girl in the taco bell ad from yesterday....was even wearing the same thing.

    STILLERS!!!!! 26-24

  8. Mark, have you begun the journey to Vegas?

  9. I hope Shlara is enjoying the 20 degree weather down in the Big D. I hope the hookers are safe.

  10. Don't worry, Michael Irvin will take care of the streekwalkers.

  11. in college, i was a streakwalker.

  12. Well, Dave's streaking was less shocking to onlookers, since he looked like he was wearing wool sweatpants.

    Ol' pasty WASP Igor, however, drew some gasps. And some squints.

  13. igor - were you a pete falcone fan?

  14. Dallas has like 3" of soft powdery snow right now. The kind that brushes right off. Still, I've had 4 near wipeouts today just from walking around.

  15. Of course. He was there during the dog days of the Mets, one of a corps of pretty good pitchers on a crap team along with Craig Swan and Pat Zachry.

    Danimal... have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

  16. no. i haven't. but i did stay at a holiday inn express last night.

    igor. i'm dealing with a person with the same name at the moment, over the information superhighway. it's a work matter. though i haven't confirmed his identity, i believe it is him. (this gent is still in the sports biz) once i've done so, i'll see if you can mow his lawn

  17. 'shlara does dallas' is a nice tag

  18. Albert Haynesworth, you are the bama of the century...

  19. the irony of the owner of a team called the redskins alleging racial/anti-semitic bias (where it truly doesn't exist) is not lost on this reader.

  20. Washington Redskins' defensive superstar Albert Haynesworth has been charged with simple assault after an alleged road rage incident that went down on Wednesday in the D.C. area.

    Haynesworth -- one of the highest paid defensive players in the NFL -- allegedly "struck" a 38-year-old man driving a Honda Civic.

    According to the Washington Post, the Honda driver felt Haynesworth was tailgating him on the Fairfax County Parkway and issued a "non verbal hand gesture" ... aka "he gave him the finger."

    At some point the two cars came to a stop at a red light and Albert got out and, after the two exchanged words, allegedly assaulted the other man. Haynesworth allegedly got back into his vehicle and drove away.

    An arrest warrant has been issued for Haynesworth's arrest -- and cops say the NFL star is planning to turn himself in to authorities next week.

  21. Turn himself in next week?

    There have to be some cops that are angry redskins fans. Go get him late tonight to start his weekend off right.

  22. it is not THE pete falcone. sorry igor.

  23. there are multiple pete falcones? that's bullshit, danimal.

  24. So this is mildly funny. I am eating lunch down the bar from these three jerkoffs. One was telling a hugely self-congratulatory story about him "banging five chicks in 24 hours." He kept repeating how impressive that feat was. And then Danimal's comment about not THE Pete Falcone appeared and I chuckled audibly. (ABL). Said jerkoffs thought I was laughing at them. Deflated and annoyed them. Thank you, Danny boy.

  25. Dan Snyder is not doing himself any favors this afternoon...

  26. jesus, no shit. keep digging, dumbass.

  27. igor had lunch w/mick jagger. cool.

  28. Rex Ryan read Igor's lunchtime story and said "Impressive feet!"

    What did Snyder do? Too lazy to find it online.

  29. snyder is staggeringly *staggeringly* self-unaware. it's almost impressive.

  30. zman, just go look at rob or my tweets...

  31. And Mark, buddy, the gang would like to know you at least made it to Sin City in one piece...

  32. i hope "mark" has tweeting capability this weekend. and why was greg in dallas?

  33. surprised so many people liked "the spanish prisoner."

    i can't wait until the super bowl is over-- my father has now mentioned that mike tomlin went to william and mary sixty seven times.

  34. 67, dave? really? 67? you disappoint me.

  35. Mike Tomlin went to William & Mary 67 times? I only went once, but it was for a really long time.

  36. Greg is currently running the Ewing Estate.

  37. If you have a daughter (or daughters), go to this link. It's pretty friggin' awesome, especially if you dig the original song like I do.

    If you don't, stay here for your regularly scheduled dipshittery.

  38. Heh -- google "regularly scheduled dipshittery"; I promise a better return rate than Dave's open letter to Roger Goodell.

  39. We are the top 3 items on the board...nice.

  40. I heard about his gripe with the cartoons. Has he done anything since then?

  41. Whit provided something for Dads with daughters. Here's somethign for Dads with sons (sans the fancy-pants hyper-link):

  42. Basically the CityPaper, a local DC weekly, published an article a few months ago. It was the A to Z encyclopedia of Dan Snyder and how he fucks up at every turn. Scathing, but rooted in fact. Months later he is suing them for defamation.

    If you got to the Washington Post site, a columnist there crushed him again a couple days ago for the whole thing.

  43. Z, go here:

  44. thanks for the link, igor. that's pretty great.

  45. Rob, you should record one with your popcorn drumming as accompaniment.

  46. Greg, Vitas & I are in Vegas and preparing to start raging. I'll keep you ladies updated.

  47. Tr. What was your tip on club paradise? May come in handy for greg et al. This weekend

  48. While iam askin for tr tips. If you have one for putting a 5 month old to sleep after you've had a bottle of whiskey I am all ears

  49. @ottowolfcastle is getting it done on twitter

  50. Thank god it only took him five months to figure out how to us twitter on his iPhone...

  51. it's almost time for my annual pointless threat to quit being a redskin fan

  52. Stick to it this time. Snyder aint dying or selling this time for thirty years - you are royally fucked.

  53. Buzz is back on twitter with some Oscar opinions...
