Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Fashion is...Clyde Frazier

A slight change of pace in our "Fashion is..." series. You see a jacket like this on Clyde Frazier, you post it. No questions asked. (it's almost liked they skinned the cow from "Top Secret!" to make it)

Thanks to @bandwagonknick for doing the world a service and putting this on the internet.


  1. In other news, its the first day of school on Capitol Hill today. Everyone's finding their new classrooms, meeting new friends, ogling the girls the new congressmen and senators from the South have hired to answer their phones. Great times. I have a tremendous Boehner right now.

  2. How was your romantic dinner with Jon Runyan?

  3. Drinks with Jon dinner. He's a large man. I felt so tiny in his arms.

  4. And that's "Congressman Runyan" to you buddy.

  5. 15 yard flag. Illegal touching.

  6. Can you see Runyan's gross arm hair through his dress shirt?

  7. No...he kept his jacket on. He's still in football shape though...and by that I mean he still weighs 350lbs or more.

  8. He only left his jacket on? That's a weird fetish. I'm sure Geoff didn't mind though.

  9. Ron Burgandy Franklin...I find his original comments quite hilarious. I say the same shit to female drivers every time I encounter them on the road. And when scolded by the wife, I make the exact same adjustments...

  10. I make my wife wear only a jacket when we become amorous. Its hot. Tonight she'll be wearing only a denim jacket and a smile.

  11. I believe that is called "The REO Speedwagon".

  12. how is frazier making such a serious face while wearing that jacket?

  13. Wife likes the pink leather..."The Pinky Tuscadaro"

  14. wrens at delaware this evening. tony shaver will be wearing a tie made of the same material as clyde's jacket.

  15. Wrens getting 7.5 on the road. I like the Hens to cover.

  16. Ghostface with some relationship advice (kind of) on Twitter right now. I want GFK and Buzz to have a tweet off.

  17. Dave, it's what makes Walt Frazier so smooth -- he can wear THAT jacket and have THAT look on his face. It's the same element of cool that Clifford Ray has, or so I read somewhere.

    "I'm like Clyde, and I'm rockin' steady..."

  18. robbie alomar makes the hall of fame. igor will *not* be happy.

  19. Eh. I think the one-year pass-over was as much of an insult as I could have reasonably expected.

    And I'm psyched about Bert Blyleven. More gopher balls than any HoFer, right? And TR loves that t-shirt of his.

  20. That said, I'll be scouring the MLC archives for a fitting GTB tribute to the new inductee.

  21. Blyleven has no business being in there. He was 287-250 and played with some good teams. He's as worthy as Don Sutton and Phil Neikro. Which is to say he doesn't belong.

    The Bagwell vote is more interesting. Seems he is now lumped in with Palmeiro and McGwire. Will be interesting to see how votes go for Sosa and Bonds in the years ahead. I just wonder if they'll lump Biggio in with this group. The guy showed abnormal numbers in the era and played with Bagwell and Caminitti.

    We may start to see the end of the 500 HR/300 win/3,000 hit clubs as automatic Hall entries.

  22. how did kirk reuter not get in?

  23. You know what. . . F Robbie Alomar and his head first slides into first base, umpire targeted expectorating, his crappy Teejesq pre-pubecent mustache, and very full beard, Mary Pierce.

    I have more ire for his Jametsian efforts than I do for Bonilla, Samuel, and Ollie Perez combined.

  24. I have some ire for Bonilla as well. Samuel and Ollie merely blow as baseball players. Bonilla was a douche about it. And Alomar... oy. More to come tomorrow.

  25. Does Frank Thomas get in when he's eligible in 2013?

    .301, 521 HRS, 1704 RBI, top 20 all-time in Adjusted OPS+. (That top 20 is filled with the best ever.)

  26. is the question whether he's a first-ballot guy or whether he gets in at all? should be a first-balloter, especially given the fact that he's one of the few studs of the era untainted by steroid allegations.

  27. The Big Hurt is a first ballot HoFer.

  28. Big Hurt may be the most hated first-ballot guy by his hometown fans. White Sox fans loathe the guy. I went to a game in their carppy stadium in '02 and he was getting booed vociferously.

    Here are Bagwell's numbers:

    449 HRs/1529 RBI/1517 Runs/.297 Avg/.540 Slugging/.948 OPS.

    You can see the 'roid spike quite clearly. He went from 38 total HRS in the 304 games he played in 92 and 93 to 39 in 110 games in the strike-shortened 1994.

  29. And I mean it when I say it was a carppy stadium. Fish were strewn everywhere.

  30. Did you guys see Vescey's piece this week about GTB fav and my former colleague Clifford Ray?

  31. Is this the first year they pushed back the I-AA (yeah, I still call it that) playoffs to January? Who are the ad wizards who came up with that one?

  32. Danimal, have you and the little lady been able to pull of "The Malachi Crunch"?

    As for The Big Hurt, I concur with The Teej, FBHoF'er. Maybe we can get Murray Chass' vote revoked and given to the Doofus Overlord.

  33. The best part of the FCS final being pushed back is that it is now being played at the same time that A&M is playing in the Cotton Bowl just down the road in Jerry Jones Colosseum. The chance of a decent walkup at Pizza Hut Park where Dallas FC plays is now nil. Marketing wizards indeed.

  34. Things I learned from Shlara and her link:

    1. Clifford Ray had MRSA -- like me.

    2. Wes Unseld had his season tickets revoked by Ted Leonsis's regime.

    3. Peter Vecsey clearly reads Gheorghe: The Blog.

  35. both leonsis and unseld deny vecsey's allegation regarding the tickets. but the rest is probably 100% accurate.

  36. Greg, the Raiders hired Hugh Jackman...

  37. Oh boy...

    "@Ledger_NYMets: Former Met Roberto Alomar: "I really cared when I was there in New York""

  38. Did you hear that Ben Roethlisberger got engaged?
    What is she thinking??

  39. looking like one if those years in tribeville

  40. Deliverance on CMT! In HD! I'm getting horny.

  41. Memphis currently having an even worse night than the Tribe
