Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shaq was not always as Gheorghe as he appears today.

These days everyone thinks of Shaq as a lovable cockeyed mountain of a man who doesn't take himself too seriously, who is a jovial Twitterer, who clowns around in front of Out Of Town News with the smartest college kids in America, who, dare I say it, is not insignificantly Gheorghe, but we forget that he was quite a cockeyed jerk when he was younger.


  1. An idea for a new app--the Janitor App (catchier name required). It tells you when the cleaning guy in office building is done cleaning the lavatory. Seems that our guy and me are on the same schedule or very close. Am often "in there" when he begins his duties and when my doodies are in process. I hate that.

  2. Oddly enough, I was at that game, sitting in the row directly behind the Magic bench. I also enjoyed the Ladell Eackels sighting. I enjoyed the two year period where he was the Bullets go to guy...when it came to scoring and to downing funnel cakes by the dozen.

  3. that wasn't very professional of me. i apologize. hopefully no one is offended.

  4. Igor, being the resident Boss expert, is this really the man? Or another impersonator like Jimmy Fallon doing Neil Young?

    Fallon is dead on by the way.

    Not embedded! ftw.

  5. That sentence would've been just fine as "Fallon is dead."

  6. I'm putting together the ghoogles list right now, and this one made me spit out my coffee with laughter:

    "and after all you're my van der waal..."

  7. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of his but he can do some really good impersonations.

    He usually has the best musical guests as well.

  8. Shaq isn't Gheorghe at all. Takes himself super seriously, always has. His ego is enormous and he hates to share the spotlight. The nicknames, skits and such throw everyone off but it's all a way to hog the limelight. He's also vindictive and practices a scorched earth policy whenever he leaves a team. Shaq as "a good guy" is one of the biggest myths of the modern NBA. He's great if you don't ask him to work too hard or ever call him out on his BS.

  9. That appears to be latter-day Bruce dressed up as his 1975 Bohemian self. Enjoyable.

    And Squeaker was right about Fallon. Wow.

  10. I was at that game too. Gheorghe was one of the few east coast centers that Shaq hated playing against.

    And look at how skinny Dennis Scott was back then...

  11. During Monday's game, Vick averaged 12 yards per pass attempt and 8 yards per carry.
